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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Inspired by . . . a month in photos: March


March has been a lion! And with only two days left this month, I’m hoping it does indeed go out like a lamb. Looking back over the month, I can see why I’m so tired.

I wanted to post this yesterday. But we were gone all day, and so here I am posting on Palm Sunday when I should be talking about other things. Events that happened over 2000 years ago, that I’m processing anew today. So I’ll write about them later. And maybe that will be okay.

March was, again, a month of settling into the new. Accepting grief. Learning it’s boundaries. Testing them. I know that makes it sound like a tangible thing.

Some days it is.

But March was also a month of digging deeper with God. Using His word as the Lamp on my path. Continuing the journey.

Finding JOY. Every day. Deliberately seeking it out.

Spring arrived somewhere along the way. I reJOYice as I watch God dress-up His world in new frocks of green, and paint the roadsides and meadows with orange, blue and yellow. He’s still hard at work, He has only just begun.

So here is March. From ice crystals to the return of the Hummingbirds.




Favorite photo of the month:


Male House Finch


In all things of nature

there is something of the Marvelous.


Sprinklings of God’s mercy and grace:

1. Fish therapy - we have a new aquarium - so tranquil

2. Sunshine and blue sky

3. Planting pansies - love their happy faces

4. Quiet walks

5. Inspiration and encouragement from His word


When you look back at March,

what do you see?




Sharing inspiration here:

Mona’s Picturesque




  1. I'm having a similar feeling month, for different reasons of course. But, your words are always spot-on to identify with, and I enjoy reading them..! Have a blessed day!

  2. Thank you, sweet friend. Your comments are always such an encouragement to me! Blessings.

  3. deliberately claiming joy. deliberately choosing to focus {literally!} on early springtime's loveliest gifts. what a glorious sabbath post, June.

    thanks for this sweet afternoon visit ...

  4. I appreciate the perspective, June. Not every season is easy, but each one is a gift. Thanks for the reminder. March was a blur... Awesome pictures.

  5. Those birds are just soo majestic to look at in photos with their heads up.

  6. Hi June,
    Such a lovely capture of the humming bird - and your March has been finding joy and comfort ... Lovely captures - those sceneries must have been brightening your days!

  7. Wow! I've always wanted to capture a humming bird! Or even a bird would do ;) Gorgeous collage - so much nature happenings in your March! I'm wishing you a happy April and lovely spring days. Thanks for linking up!

  8. I'm looking forward to quiet walks . . . this may just be the week for a few as I think we will be in the 50s all week. Always love your photos, friend. Love you. xoxo

  9. The hummingbirds are gorgeous and I love the cows.

  10. I hope your hummers have made an appearance by now, Anni! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit. Those cows are fun, aren't they, lol !

  11. Thanks, Gunilla, wishing you sunny days ahead!

  12. Thank you, friend. I'm a bit behind on my responses, but I'm so glad to see you here!

  13. I'm sure March was a blur, lol! Hope your girl had a great time. No doubt you are much relieved that she is home. You're so right, each season is a gift. Being able to find the JOY in the difficult ones is the key to the unwrapping. Always good to see you here, friend.

  14. I think that's why it was my favorite, Lux. He was looking up at his mate - so sweet! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. The sunshine has definitely helped! Good to see you here, Nina! Have a blessed week!

  16. It probably helps that I don't have two {beautiful} little girls running around me in circles, lol! Looking forward to seeing your images of spring, Mona!

  17. I hope you're getting those walks in this week, friend :)

  18. Ahhh... love this post, it feels joyful and relaxed.

  19. Wonderful collage and words of encouragement!

  20. Thanks, Kim! I appreciate you stopping by - - Have a great weekend!


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June