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Monday, October 19, 2015

Inspired by . . . Day 19: His Character, Sovereign





God is Sovereign

SOVEREIGN, a. suv'eran. 1. Supreme in power; possessing supreme dominion; as a Sovereign Ruler of the universe. 2. Supreme; superior to all others; chief. God is the sovereign good of all who love and obey Him.

God presides over every event, great or small, and He is in control of our lives. To be sovereign, He must be all-knowing and all-powerful, and by His sovereignty He rules His entire creation. If we believe what we’ve learned so far this month about God, that He is good, just and holy. If we believe that He is love, infinite and unchanging. And we believe that He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Above all, if we believe that He is a merciful God Who heals and gives us the peace that surpasses understanding, if we believe all these things, then we must believe and accept that God is Sovereign.

For He says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." Rom 9:15

This is not always an easy concept, Beloved. But it is Truth.

We must hold the blessings and tragedies of our lives up to the Light of Jehovah. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we must try to see with eternal eyes. And for those times when we simply cannot see, there is grace.

But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." 2Co 12:9

If His grace was sufficient for Paul, in all his suffering, surely it will comfort us in our afflictions.

May we all, together, look to Him and say,

"Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they existed and were created." Rev 4:11



Lord, You are sovereign over all things.

We humbly bow our hearts and minds to Your will.

Trusting in You.

In Jesus name,





Sharing inspiration here:

Playdates with God, Testimony Tuesday, #TellHisStory,

Thought Provoking Thursday, Grace & Truth, Weekend Whispers,

Inspire Me Monday, RaRa Link Up, Intentional Tuesday,

#WordswithWinter, Titus 2 Tuesday, Thoughtful Thursdays,

Encourage Me Monday, Wholehearted Wednesday,

Women with Intention Wednesdays, Word Filled Wednesday,

#GiveMeGrace, Still Saturday, #write31days

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