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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Inspired by . . . brown-eyed visitors

They eat my blooms and knock over the birdbath, yet they have a gentleness and grace that quiets my irritation.

They have a light in their eye that touches my soul. And I know I would have to be suffering a great hunger before being willing to snuff it out.




They came this day to quench their thirst.

The earth, after drinking in nearly a year’s worth of rain one weekend in May, was once again dry and cracked. The summer had dragged on . . . cloudless.




It’s been a year of feast or famine.

Highs and lows.

Mountain tops and valleys.

My spiritual life is like that sometimes. One moment a bubbling brook of Living water, resting in calm, deep pools of faith. Or running merrily over jagged rocks without a care. Then, suddenly, the riverbed is dry and cracked. I find myself tired and weary, wondering where God is in this barren wilderness.

If I’m honest, I’ll tell you the riverbed didn’t dry up overnight. It happened gradually, just as the moisture moves deep within the earth to fill it’s cavernous depths. It happened as I put one more thing ahead of time with Him, time in His word, time in worship and in prayer.




The deer know when they can’t find water anywhere else, they’ll find my birdbath full. It’s a risk, they have to come near the house to take a drink. But the water quenches their raging thirst.

In the same way, I know that Jesus is the Living water. Only by abiding in Him will I have life. Drawing near to God has its own risks. God accepts us as we are, but He doesn’t leave us that way. When we come into His presence we are changed. Change can hurt. But the kind of change that God brings births freedom, and peace.

The deer come in the early morning light to drink, just as I should come each morning to Him.

The deer will be thirsty again.

In fact, this big guy visited me this morning.




But Jesus promised that when we drink of Him, our thirst will be eternally quenched.

In Him we are satisfied. The deep pools of our soul’s deepest longings are filled, and our faith once again bubbles merrily along the way.






Sharing inspiration here:

Playdates with God, Testimony Tuesday, #TellHisStory,

Thought Provoking Thursday, Grace & Truth, Weekend Whispers,

Inspire Me Monday, RaRa Link Up, Intentional Tuesday,

#WordswithWinter, Titus 2 Tuesday, Thoughtful Thursdays,

Encourage Me Monday, Wholehearted Wednesday,

Women with Intention Wednesdays, Word Filled Wednesday,

#GiveMeGrace, Still Saturday


Nature Notes, Sweet Shot Tuesday, Through My Lens, Little Things Thursdays,

 Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens,

Our World Tuesday, Community Global

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