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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Inspired by . . . Sing to Jesus: Day 8

Continuing the #write31day challenge  . . . you can find the entire series here.

Today's Reading:

Today's Offering:

Did you see the full moon the other night? Wow! Spectacular! Celestial displays always turn my mind to God. My thoughts often mirror those of the psalmist in today's reading.

When I look up at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, at the moon and the stars You have set in place, what is a frail mortal, that You should be mindful of him, a human being, that You should take notice of him?

Out of all the things God has made, we are His favorite. We are His beloved. We, yes YOU, are who He sent His Son to die for, that we, yes YOU, might have life and live with Him forever.

The next time you look up and see something extraordinary, may you be reminded of this truth.

Blessings on your Sabbath, beloved,

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