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Sunday, December 3, 2017

Inspired by . . . A Season in Scripture I

"Begin this wintry month with God...Let us wrap ourselves in the warm garments of our Lord's promises." -Spurgeon

Advent is where the story begins.

During this season of waiting, we choose to enter the story as it happened for those who came before us. As people of God waiting for the long-expected Messiah.

We wait with anticipation, with longing, and with hope.

Yet even as we enter this posture of waiting we do so with the Light already burning brightly in our hearts. This side of the Cross we practice the "already but not yet" kind of waiting.

With each generation of believers the wait is lessened but the groaning and anticipation increase.

The prophecy of His coming begins before the creation of the world. 
   But from you, Bethlehem in Ephrathah, small as you are among Judah's clans, from you will come a king for Me over Israel, one whose origins are far back in the past, in ancient times.
   Therefore only until she who is pregnant has given birth will he give up Israel; and then those of the people that survive will rejoin their brethren. He will rise up to lead them in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.
   They will enjoy security, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth. Then there will be peace. Micah 5:2-5a RE
The King James version says of the king, "whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting." v.2b  

Everlasting= o-lawm': always, continual, eternal

This scripture can refer only to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the One Who was and is and is to come.

It's an amazing and wondrous thing to find ourselves living in the very midst of this prophecy! Can you sense the wonder of being part of something so much bigger than ourselves?

As the days continue to shorten and we find ourselves beginning our days in darkness and coming home each night in the darkness, may each glimmer of light remind us of the One Who goes forth in the majesty of the Lord.

She who is pregnant is about to give birth. We anticipate His coming.

One day the Messiah will return. Then His greatness will reach the ends of the earth. Then there will be peace.

We anticipate His coming.


Sharing inspiration here:
Testimony Tuesday, #TellHisStory,
Faith On Fire, Grace & Truth,
Inspire Me Monday, RaRa Link Up, Intentional Tuesday,
#WordswithWinter, Titus 2 Tuesday, Thoughtful Thursdays,
Encourage Me Monday, Wholehearted Wednesday,
Women with Intention Wednesdays, Word Filled Wednesday,
#GiveMeGrace, Sitting Among Friends, #Glimpsesofhisbeauty
Counting My Blessings, Grace Moments, Heart Encouragement

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