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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Inspired by... creativity

Some of you may remember me posting about the Blanco Lavender Festival this past June and all the wonderfully creative things that were on display there.  Well, today, I'm sharing with you another project that was inspired by what I saw that day.

But first... I just have to share this little guy with y'all!

 Isn't he/she precious!  We've been enjoying him, a couple of his cousins and a 6pt buck that has been coming around for the last week or so.  It is so fun to watch the fawns playing with each other.  There haven't been many around this year, probably due to the drought conditions.

I know my pictures are never stellar, but this one was taken from the house, through a window!  So please, ignore the lack of skill and just enjoy the sweetness!

Back to the project at hand.  

Several of the merchants at the festival were selling decorated tiles and they inspired my idea to fashion ordinary tiles into decorative wall hooks.  

I started with ordinary, cream colored tiles from Home Depot and some cabinet knobs.

Added some scrapbooking paper and some modge podge, and ta-da!

This one went in our guest bath and is just perfect for hanging your curling iron or extra washcloth on.

I have this one in mind for a special friend!

I just love that decorative knob! Don't you?

Here's one with a little whimsy...


Perfect for hanging up that tu-tu or pair of ballet shoes.

 Or even just a bathrobe!

My hubby drilled holes in the tiles with his masonry bit, so the knobs are not glued on.  They are very solid and can hold the weight of pretty much anything one would want to hang on something like this.

These could easily be customized... and used pretty much anywhere.  In the kitchen, to hang a towel, pot holder or apron.  In the utility room for keys or sunglasses.  Next to the fireplace to hold a poker.

Lot's of possibilities!

What do you think?  Would these make a nice gift?  Is this something you would use around your house?


Sharing in the inspiration at these great parties:

Tidy Mom      Join  us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!  


  1. I love this and I am going to try it! How did you hang it on the wall? what hoot did you use and how did you attach it to the tile? Great idea!


  2. These are awesome! A great idea. I may have to give this a try.

  3. these are awesome.
    I will be honored if you will add this project in our weekly linking party every Wednesdays at
    Have a great week,


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June