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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Inspired by... a sweet face


We have a new face around here. . .




Isn't he sweet?

He showed up {along with several other cats} when Aslan and I moved into Case Verde. The other cats have moved on, but Tracker has adopted us and is determined to make friends with Aslan, who, having been raised as a single, human child cat, is a bit of a snob.




But really, who could resist this sweet face?




Aslan has tried, but he really can't resist the affectionate Tracker either. It's funny, their coloring is different, but their stripe patterns are very similar. They really do look like brothers!  You can't see in these pictures, but they both have ring-tails. Much like this not so little guy we caught in the have-a-heart trap the other day:




We were trying to catch a feral cat who bullies Aslan and Tracker and caught this ring-tail coon instead.  Aslan was mildly curious and sniffed at the caged coon, but Tracker was really frightened and didn't come home for a week!  I'm guessing maybe this coon has been a bit of a bully, too and that Tracker has had a run in or two with him.

So, why the name Tracker?

Well, Aslan went missing one day shortly after we moved here and Tracker helped me find him.

No joke.

I asked Tracker where Aslan was, and he led me right to him! He would walk a little bit, then sit down and wait for me to follow him, then walk further, sit down and wait, etc. Smart cat!


Their markings aren't the only thing Tracker and Aslan have in common, they both love to climb trees. . .





And they are both very sweet and affectionate!





They also both exhibit very un-catlike behavior. They both talk. A lot. And when I take my walks in the evenings, they both follow along behind me.

So, I'm curious, are you a "cat" person?  Whether you are or not, I'd love to hear what your furred companions do that you think is unique or endearing!








Sharing inspiration here:

Sweet Shot Day and then, she {snapped} Stuff and Nonsense

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet and lovely story, June!

    There was a kitten once who came to our house and stayed only during the daytime. I think he was from the house at the back of ours. Anyway, growing up, she rid the house of all those rats in the yard. When she eventually got pregnant herself, she left one of the kittens in our house. She and the kitten looked exactly alike.
    When Mom died, the kitten stayed behind with the new owners and I moved to a condo. And then I moved here in Panglao Island.

    I once posted the kitten's old pic on my blog:




If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June