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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Inspired by... peace


Peace seems as elusive as hope in our world today. Wars and rumors of wars. Public shootings. Economic uncertainty.

Where do you find your peace?

In a quiet, removed existence? relationships? power? Perhaps prestige or material possessions bring you a sense of security and peace?


"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace.

In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33


One way I receive His peace is through nature.  Because I recognize that every beat of the hummingbird's wing is measured by our Creator. 



Textured with Bonnie's Stardust


And the wings of the butterfly are painted by the Master's hand.





The peace that the world gives may satisfy for a time, but it is temporary and shallow, a poor reflection of the Truth.


True peace comes only from God.

"God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing." C.S. Lewis


God's peace is lasting and true, and surpasses all understanding.

The last seven months of my life have been a time of change. Painful change and uncertainty.


But I am at peace.


It's not an emotion or a feeling. It's a certainty that comes from a Power higher and greater than myself.  You can have this peace.


Jesus gives freely to all who ask.








Sharing inspiration here:

Photo Art Friday



  1. Peace: "It's a certainty that comes from a Power higher and greater than myself." I like that! Peace is a certainty, a trust, a steady rock, not a feeling -- good point.

    I love the way he painted that butterfly! Such an artist. This kind of wisdom and detail brings me even more peace, knowing that He is so much smarter than we are.

    Thank you Father God for bringing your peace to the heart of anyone who will believe and trust in the finished work of Jesus.


  2. Love that butterfly. Have a super week.

    pS Thank you for following Carole's Chatter

  3. Love your hummingbird edit. Beautiful.

  4. June, I love the silhouette of the hummers! Fabulous shot.

  5. Lovely hummingbird silhouettes!

  6. Beautiful picture! I just love hummingbirds!

  7. what a wonderful picture (the one with hummingbirds)!!!

  8. These are so beautiful! I love them both!

    Thanks for sharing with Foto Friday,

  9. Beautiful post. The hummingbird shot is awesome and you used the perfect texture with it.
    Oh my that is a gorgeous butterly. I've neve seen one like that.

    Awesome words to live by.

  10. Your edit of the hummingbirds and their feeder is just beautiful! What a lovely piece of photo art. Thank you for sharing it with PAF, June.

  11. lovely, especially the butterfly.

  12. His peace is all we can rely upon in the midst of our cultural explosions. Nothing can ever step up to our seriosity plates; only He can. Believe me, knowing what I know and doing what I do. [One of my main ministries is called First Responders and we pray at murder sites shortly after the event, for neighbors, family, etc. It ain't easy and sweet, but it is a blessing. And it's led by Him.]

  13. That hummingbird photo is wonderful! I love the editing, too. Thank you so much for linking up to SHOOT.EDIT.SUBMIT.


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June