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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Inspired by . . . 2014 recap




Wow! Despite the difficulties, it’s been an amazing year!

My one word for 2014 was Intentional and part of that was being more intentional here on the blog. I topped out at 161 posts for 2014 – whoot! I’d say goal accomplished!

It wasn’t easy reviewing all those posts and deciding which pictures to feature for 2014, I tell ya! After getting my new camera in April, I was off and running!

Looking back over the year was like  unfurling a beautiful tapestry, and your sweet comments were a golden thread running through it all.

Thank you, sweet friends, for your encouragement, your inspiration and, most of all, your love!

God used this blog, in 2014, to inspire me most of all!

But isn’t that just like Him? to reward us when we obey? That was the other part about being intentional this year. Putting Him first. Being a good steward of the time He has given me. I tried really hard to do that this year.  Seriously, friends, I don’t know what I’d do without Him in my life. He is the ever present rock on which I stand – and some days, cling to with my pinky nail!

But He’s not just a rock, like some talisman with magical powers that has no breath or life.  He is the Living God. An ever present Presence in my life. My heart aches for those who continue to live in darkness.

My prayer for this space in 2015 is that Christ will be more adequately revealed, more fully glorified and that His light will pierce your darkness and change your life!





Special thanks to Mona for her free template that made putting this collage together super easy!



  1. I have enjoyed being a small part of your community here! Every time I visit I am blessed! Visiting from Jennifer Dukes Lee's link-up.

  2. YOU inspire me, friend. What a blessing it has been to get to know you better through the words you share here and the ways we've connected beyond our blogs. Your friendship has blessed me in more ways than I could ever properly express. God is good! Love you much. xoxo

  3. Loved being a part in your 2014, and cannot wait for what 2015 reveals to us all!

  4. Wonderful job this year, June. I appreciate your heart and talents. Blessings to you and yours this next year and all the ones He's going to walk you through.

  5. You are an inspiration! Thank you for faithfully stewarding all that God has given to you. I am blessed to have you in my life. Happy New Year!

  6. Lovely selection of photos from the past year; they look so fresh! Thanks for blessing us this past year, and may the Lord bless you with a delightful 2015!

  7. Your collage is so beautiful, June! I'm heading over to Mona's now myself. :) Thank you for being an inspiration all year. Can't wait to read more from you in 2015!


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June