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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Inspired by . . . sans snow


It is during these cold, bleak days of January that I find myself longing for the snow-scapes of my youth. Growing up in Vermont I can only recall one winter without {much} snow. It was awful. Bitterly cold, brown, bleak, and depressing. No one wants to go out and play in ice mud. The cold is much more bearable with a carpet of white, glistening snow. Everything stands in sharp contrast against a canvas of white. There is beauty in the white, winter landscape, and it isn’t hard to find.

Right now, south Texas is experiencing cold, sunless, blustery days. There is no snow, of course, and the landscape is mostly brown and grey. Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy, and after a day few days without seeing those golden rays I begin to get a little glum.

My spirit longs for beauty. Longs to commune with nature and her God.




True, unwavering satisfaction in life comes

when we invite God into each moment and see with eternal eyes.

~ Laura Boggess, Playdates with God.





There is beauty to be found, even on these cold, sun-less days of January. When spring is but a distant memory, and our souls begin to droop with despair, there are hints of His promise all around us.





We can breath the coldness in, warming it with our bodies, and allow the wind free reign.  We can don thicker coats, as the animals do, and forage deeper for the things that satisfy.



The beauty is there to be found and hope springs eternal.



If you are experiencing a winter in your soul, don’t lose hope.

Keep believing, keep trusting.

Cling to the anchor of your faith – the eternal hope.


There are these two things, then, that cannot change and about which God cannot lie.

So we who have found safety with Him are greatly encouraged to hold firmly to the hope placed before us.

We have this hope as an anchor for our lives.

It is safe and sure, and goes through the curtain of the heavenly temple into the inner sanctuary.

On our behalf Jesus has gone in there before us and has become a High Priest forever, 
(Heb 6:18-20 GNB)




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Kim Klassen {dot com} TestimonyTuesdayLinkUp


  1. Thanks for your encouraging words. I live in Nebraska, and here it is covered with snow. Like you say, it makes the cold more bearable as the light reflects and magnifies off the snow. We look around and winter is here right now, and it feels like it will be forever, but we know in our hearts that Spring will come and all will be renewed!

  2. Dear June ... thanks for sharing some of the captured beauties that are here and there. You have that extraordinary gift of making what's ordinary into something glorious. And this we need in the bleak mid-winter ...

    Hugs, friend.

  3. Thank you for the encouragement. Good post, June. We have snow here in Iowa, but it's finally warming up a little to bearable temperatures (yesterday it got up to about 19, and this Saturday--according to the forecast--it may reach 40!).

  4. I've been thinking lately about contentment. Phil 4:11-13 and Rom 12:2 keep running through my mind. Learning to be content when things aren't "perfect" is certainly a spiritual discipline I'm seeking to learn.
    You're right, there's beauty to be found everywhere!
    God bless.

  5. Oh,I hear you on that! I really don't like winter, and I'm counting the days until spring. But until then, I struggle each day with depression and bleakness of my soul (I have self-diagnoses S.A.D.). The joy is there; it's a matter of looking for it. BTW, I LOVE your photography!

  6. Hi June! I always have this idea that Vermont is a paradise in winter. I guess I am being a bit nearsighted?
    I do like the white snow against the dark bark of the winter trees. Such opposites! And your post today makes me think of my word for the year "joy" and the challenge to find joy in all things. Even dark days without sun. It's going to be quite a year, and I hope to learn (like St Paul) to be content in all circumstances. Well, all I can do is try, right?
    Thank you for your examples of beauty in winter. We all need them :)

  7. Oh, these pictures. You've found beauty in winter. This is a gift, June. I receive it today and will look for beauty in the gray around me today, spiritually as well as physically.

  8. You have spent much time writing, photographing and lovingly putting this post together. I can feel of your desire to do things well and with meaning. Beautiful photographs and well chosen words.

  9. "There is beauty to be found, even on these cold, sun-less days of January."

    I have to remind myself of this daily. Beautiful words.

  10. My dearest June, as I wrote in my answer to your lovely comment on my Blog, just yesterday night, before than closing the pc and going to bed, I took, as always, note of the post to visit the following day and I read the few lines of the last yours in the preview appearing in our dashboard where you said you're originlly coming from Vermont and I said to myself 'That's such a strange combination, I'm talking about Vermont and about snow and she too' and, be sure, this morning I'd have come to visit you !

    Anyway, snow or not, as you say,"The beauty is there to be found and hope springs eternal " that's a quote to remember, thank you with all my heart, you always make my day !
    Sending blessings


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June