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Friday, May 29, 2015

Inspired by . . . something to celebrate

Thank you for stopping by today! I hope you're here to celebrate with me - because today is my four year blogoversary! Whoot! Whoot!

I don't make a habit of looking at the stats, but just for fun I thought I'd check them out today. This is my 541st post! And I thought you might be interested in the top three most viewed posts {although it's likely you've already seen them!} of the last year:

#3 Creations Manifesto

#2 Community 

#1 Nature (babies always win the day, lol!)

Interestingly enough, my least viewed post was one from earlier this week, maybe you missed it?

Thoughts on Faith Vol IV

What I really want to do to celebrate today is to thank all of you - my readers. Whether you're a faithful follower, or this is first time here - THANK YOU - for reading. I pray that you always find something here that inspires you.

No celebration is complete without prizes! I've picked out four, one to celebrate each year of the blog, and we're going to keep the party going for the next four days - so please tell all your friends so they can help celebrate too!

Here's a list of the prizes, to inspire you to enter!

eBook - While I am Waiting by Laura Hodges Poole

Lavender Basmati Soap - from Work of Worth

Vintage Sari Mini Journal - from Work of Worth

Beloved Wrap Bracelet - from Work of Worth

I can't tell you how much Laura's devotional has been comforting, encouraging and inspiring me over the last four months. Work of Worth is "dedicated to utilizing the power of commerce to free the oppressed throughout the world" and I'm excited to be offering some of their products as part of this giveaway.

I hope you win! and thank you for helping me celebrate!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note: these prizes are my gift to you. I am not affiliated with the author, or Work of Worth in any way. They have no idea they are a part of my celebration!

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If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June