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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Inspired by . . . Nest Watch Update Vol. III

Although we’re pushing well into mid-June there is still a lot of nesting excitement going on around here!

I’m thrilled to report that we have four scissor-tailed babies - that’s two more than last year’s clutch!

This year’s nest is not as exposed as last year’s, so it’s been challenging to get good pictures.

Ready for some cuteness ?






I’ve been trying to take pictures every couple of days without upsetting mama bird too much. These guys will be fledging soon!




The other exciting news is that I have a new nest to watch! The mockingbirds are rebuilding. You may remember they had another nest site which, I believe, was destroyed in one of our storms last month. This time they chose the oak tree in my front yard!




It’s very well hidden, in a large clump of leaves, which you’ll see in the next picture. I put a purple circle around the bird where she is just entering the nest.




I have no idea how I’m going to count eggs, etc. I certainly can’t climb the tree! And this mockingbird pair are quite adversarial! I’ve twice caught them running off the cuckoo. Although you really can’t blame them for not wanting to raise someone else’s kids, lol.

Whenever one bird is in the nest, the other keeps a close watch.




As an added bonus, while I was photographing the scissor-tailed flycatcher babies, I notice a little bird perched higher up in the tree above the nest.




A sweet little lark sparrow! Aren’t his markings lovely?

Well, that’s this week’s excitement!

I hope to be back next with with some fledgling photos!

Have a wonder-filled week,



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Sharing inspiration here:

Wild Bird Wednesday


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