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Monday, January 25, 2016

Inspired by . . . God's faithfulness

I'm a speed shopper. I like to get in and get out, quickly. I have a list, and rarely am I a victim of an impulse buy. {except maybe the odd bag of peanut m&m's from the checkout line}

The Dreamer, who usually drops me off in front of the store, is always amazed at how quickly I emerge with the needed supplies.

I'm moving a little slower these days.

Since just after Christmas my sciatic nerve has been giving me trouble. Now I measure every step, plan every move. Going to my knees in prayer is okay. Going to my knees in the grocery store because of a sciatic attack, is not.

The nerve pain, my cedar allergies {sneezing is NOT an option} and pain from a cracked tooth {I have dental surgery on Wednesday} have all combined to make for difficult start to the new year.

I hesitate to share about this here, because I know many of you deal with so much worse, every.single.day.

But this is all new to me, and I'm struggling to maintain a JOYful spirit, rather than a spirit of despair.

Today started out as a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

At about 3:30am I had such an attack that the Dreamer was forced to carry me back to bed. For the next several hours I lay there, quite literally afraid to move. Pain does that. At least to me. It makes me afraid.

I don't want to be afraid. I want to be faith-filled, and trusting that God is with me no matter what the circumstances. Which, of course, He is. I know this, but I want it to be real to me in the dark moments.

Eventually, the sun kissed the sky and I eased into my day. Monday is the busiest day of the week for me. As I turned on my computer, my thoughts were already filled with all the work that awaited me.

The typical symbol appeared, the little loopy thing did it's looping, and then . . . nothing. Blank screen. Black. Dead. No response. I re booted. Same deal. Little loopy thing, then nothing. Black screen. Dead. No response. Times four.

I wanted to cry. Really, Lord? I've had this computer less than two weeks. I saved for six months to be able to buy it. Really, Lord? 

I can't take one.more.thing.

I'm guessing that there are at least a few of you out there who feel the same.

You're at the end of your endurance. You just can't take one.more.thing.

Like me, you need to be reminded of the truth about God.

He cares.

He cares about the big things, like pain and serious health issues. He cares about the little things, like whether or not your computer works on the busiest day of the week.

He cares. It matters to Him. YOU matter to Him.


Mid-way into my morning I decided it was time to spend a few hours minutes on the phone with tech support. After all, maybe it was an easy fix. Before picking up the phone I decided to pray over my computer. I prayed that God would fix it; that I would get a tech person who spoke clearly and knew the product. 

When I laid my hands on the keyboard - they lit up! My computer had been OFF, and here the keys are lighting up!?! The screen came on and this is what I saw:

Really, Lord?


So Wednesday when I'm sitting in that dentist chair waiting for
the dentist to . . . well I'll just end that word picture for you right there . . .
I'll be thinking of my computer keys lighting up.
And I'll know that God has already answered my prayer.


Sharing inspiration here:
Playdates with God, Testimony Tuesday, #TellHisStory,
Thought Provoking Thursday, Grace & Truth, Weekend Whispers,
Inspire Me Monday, RaRa Link Up, Intentional Tuesday,
#WordswithWinter, Titus 2 Tuesday, Thoughtful Thursdays,
Encourage Me Monday, Wholehearted Wednesday,
Women with Intention Wednesdays, Word Filled Wednesday,
#GiveMeGrace, Still Saturday

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