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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Inspired by . . . it's the birds again

I know that's what you're thinking, but they've been making such a fuss over the suet, I can't help be drawn in by their chatter.

This is my golden girl. I love the way the early morning sun bathes her amber light. 

The amber hue is fleeting, I wonder , does she notice?

If you're feeling a bit drowsy, this chatterbox will wake you up!

He's king of the suet around here. 

These sweet little black-crested Titmice just wait for him to leave before helping themselves.

I admit these guys are a favorite!

The Carolina Chickadees are by far the most cautious. My arm fell asleep waiting for him to make his move. 

Did you read what Laura wrote about trees the other week? Her words always expand my mind and touch my soul.

I was thinking of Laura's words as I slipped beneath the branches of this young oak tree. His branches were low and thick, encircling me in a hedge of peace against the outside world. I heard him speak as the evening sun dressed him in beams of gold. A spirit language yet unknown to me. Beauty . . . grace . . . simplicity.

"The trees have long been our friends—oxygen makers, shade-givers, root teachers … ah, these with the limbs always reaching for God. Beauty learns from her simple grace." ~Laura Boggess


Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Sweet Shot Tuesday, Through My Lens, Little Things Thursdays,
Bird D’pot, Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens, Wild Bird Wednesday,
Our World Tuesday, Community Global, Friday Photo Journal,
Photo Friday at Pierced Wanderings

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