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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 5:52

Sad to say, with everything going on, I haven't been out and about much. Which makes it even more amazing that I got these shots! I've been trying for three years to get pictures of the Western Meadowlarks that winter here every year, and I finally succeeded!

As you can see, they blend in very well with the grasses.  They are nearly impossible to spot, and very timid. They always fly before I even know they are there.

Normally, I can't get within 10ft of them. And this time was no exception. These are taken with the zoom on my Canon Power Shot SC50 HS.

The field had been mowed earlier in the day, and I just happened to spot these two foraging when I stepped out onto the front porch.

Pardon the "butt" shot, but it's the only one that shows a hint of their brilliant yellow fronts. The little buggers never turned around for me! So technically, they are still on my bucket list, since I'd love to get a shot of their beautiful yellow fronts, marked with a distinct black V.

Hmm, maybe I should install a few fence posts.

My other delight this week was this American Lady butterfly.

You can distinguish the American Lady from the Painted Lady by the small white dots. I was so thankful that my purple lantana has continued to bloom. I can't imagine where else the butterflies are finding food!

I've lived in TX nearly nine years now and this is the first time I've seen butterflies in January! If you're snuggled in under a warm blanket of snow, wishing for spring, I hope this brings some warmth to your day!

What are you seeing
through your lens
this week?


Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Sweet Shot Tuesday, Through My Lens, Little Things Thursdays,
Bird D’pot, Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens, Wild Bird Wednesday,
Our World Tuesday, Community GlobalPhoto Friday at Pierced Wanderings

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