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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Inspired by . . . Sing to Jesus: Day 31

Finishing up the #write31day challenge today! You can find the entire series here.

Today's Reading:

Psalm 119

Today's Offering:

Day 31 - we made it! Thank you for your faithful following! I know you were blessed in your reading of the Psalms this month and I pray you were also blessed by the offerings here.

We're tackling Psalm 119 today. I hope you have time to sit with these verses. There are many hidden gems of comfort and pearls of wisdom to be uncovered!

In my Bible, Psalm 119 covers four full pages and part of two others. At the top of the first full page, I have written:  Da hodie perfecte incipere, which, translated is: Give this a perfect start, or, as C.S. Lewis would say, "Grant me to make an unflawed beginning today, for I have done nothing yet."

Psalm 119 sets forth for us that 'perfect start.' More than that, it sets forth our perfect life-path.
Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light on my path; (vs 105)
The psalm begins by telling us that "Happy are those who obey His instruction, who set their heart on finding Him."

It continues on, verse after verse, extolling the joys of following God's instruction and comforting us with the truth about Him and His promises.

Teach me, show me, grant me are the prayers of the Psalmist. May they be our prayer as well.

May you be moved by the Spirit to seek Him through the daily reading of His word and prayer. In the name of Jesus, Amen.



PS For those of you who have missed it, Life thru My Lens resumes later this week!

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