Sitting on the porch with my husband the other evening I noticed that the florist kalanchoe was starting to bloom again. This poor plant has been through so much! I bought it for my husband 4 or 5 years ago because he loved its vibrant pink blossoms. The first year it did well, doubling in size by the end of the summer. Only to be half-eaten by the deer one night.
I nursed it back to health over the winter and the presence of our new dog, Lady, kept it safe from the deer all summer. It thrived! Producing those vibrant pink blooms we love so much. Then an early frost turned half the plant black. I thought it was done for but since there were small signs of life I, once again, nursed it back to health over the winter. Only about a third of the plant was left at this point and my sporadic watering wasn't helping it much.
Kalanchoe is a succulent and doesn't like too much water. For me, Spring is the most difficult time to gauge their need for water. The transition from inside to outside makes this difficult process even harder. This year we had some cool weather late in the spring and I over-watered, drowning the poor plant and nearly doing it in for good.
But the other night on the porch I saw hope. A few, very few, vibrant pink blooms. You see, blooming takes a lot of energy. A plant that is struggling or dying is not likely to bloom. So these blooms, few though they were, gave me hope. Not just hope for the plant but hope for me. And maybe, if you're still reading, they can bring you hope, too.
In 2020 perhaps we should exchange the cliche "bloom where you're planted" to simply:
Because, honestly, I don't know a single person right now who isn't struggling.
Have you met the three-headed dragon of 2020?
Life in the last six months is nothing like what we thought it would be; nothing like what we want it to be.
I nursed it back to health over the winter and the presence of our new dog, Lady, kept it safe from the deer all summer. It thrived! Producing those vibrant pink blooms we love so much. Then an early frost turned half the plant black. I thought it was done for but since there were small signs of life I, once again, nursed it back to health over the winter. Only about a third of the plant was left at this point and my sporadic watering wasn't helping it much.
Kalanchoe is a succulent and doesn't like too much water. For me, Spring is the most difficult time to gauge their need for water. The transition from inside to outside makes this difficult process even harder. This year we had some cool weather late in the spring and I over-watered, drowning the poor plant and nearly doing it in for good.
But the other night on the porch I saw hope. A few, very few, vibrant pink blooms. You see, blooming takes a lot of energy. A plant that is struggling or dying is not likely to bloom. So these blooms, few though they were, gave me hope. Not just hope for the plant but hope for me. And maybe, if you're still reading, they can bring you hope, too.
In 2020 perhaps we should exchange the cliche "bloom where you're planted" to simply:
Because, honestly, I don't know a single person right now who isn't struggling.
Rejoice then, O heaven and you that dwell therein! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” Rev 12:12
Have you met the three-headed dragon of 2020?
- Pandemic
- Economic Disaster
- Racial Prejudice
Life in the last six months is nothing like what we thought it would be; nothing like what we want it to be.
What is our response? Be as the kalanchoe!
Bloom through the raging waters that threaten to drown us, the fires that burn with unspeakable pain, the dry, cracked soil that clogs our throats, blinds our eyes, and stops up our ears.
Be kind
Love God
lOve your neighbor (if you're not sure who your neighbor is, read Luke 10)
shOw compassion
Make a difference
There are many inspiring and encouraging people out there who are blooming. They are shining lights in a very dark world. We need more of these people. We need YOU to be one of these people.
Don't make the mistake of looking at them and thinking that because you can't do what they're doing that you can't do anything. Don't look at what you can't do. Instead, look at your unique, one-of-a-kind, God-given life and decide what you can do. Ask God what He wants you to do. And then do it.
It doesn't matter how big your bloom is; just bloom.
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