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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens Revisited: Vol. IV

Welcome back to Life thru My Lens!

Thirteen years and this summer promises to be the hottest yet. My plants are struggling in the heat. Their foliage is green and healthy but blooms are scarce. It takes a lot of energy to bloom. 

The plants aren't the only things struggling to bloom. 

Let's put our deep concerns aside for a moment. Take a breath and let me show you around the yard.

This salmon-colored zinnia is filling my spirit this week. Color and light are some of God's most profound languages. The Gulf Fritillary is just icing on the cake.

Water is life and where you offer it, life will show up. In abundance!

The hummingbirds especially enjoy the spray from the sprinkler. When the Greater Roadrunner isn't sipping from the birdbath he can usually be found teasing our German Shepherd. Their red, white, and blue eye patch reminds me of a Firecracker Popsicle!

The Woodhouse's Scrub-Jays are absolutely hilarious to watch when they're taking a bath! They are the grumps of the bird world.


"If I don't move she won't see me." 

And then there is Lady. Our rescue GSD. She is truly a gentle giant. Rock harvester and excavator extraordinaire! In this picture she is laying in a hole she dug under one of our cedar trees. If you know anything about this part of Texas you know you get about 4 inches of dirt and then it's all rock. This gal knows how to keep cool!

Well, it's gotten a bit warm. How about a glass of sweet tea?

Have a wonder-filled week, friends!

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