In all the best places this weekend, lilacs are blooming. And in many towns, but not enough, there are parades and ceremonies being held to honor the soldiers who gave their lives, in one way or another, for our freedoms.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The freedom to have an opinion, and speak it without fear. Even if that opinion is against the very soldiers who died or holds our flag in contempt.
It's a strange, awful, and wonderful world we live in.
Memorial Day is far more important to any of us than we are likely to acknowledge.
As with most things that deal with life and death, our consciousness will only skim the surface of the depth of meaning of what this day truly memorializes.
Few of us have been close enough to the sacrifice to understand.
For those of you who are, you have my gratitude and my prayers.
To those who have made the sacrifice; I honor them by remembering.