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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Inspired by... a child


Who is the Christ of Christmas?




This child, this man, this Messiah. Given to us by God the Father, to save us from our sin.

To begin with, He is the Person of the prophecies.

His coming was foretold by God hundreds of years before He was born. There are over 400 prophecies in the Old Testament about the coming of the Christ, the Messiah.


Jesus fulfilled every one.

With 100% accuracy.


I was astounded (and encouraged) when studying the book of Isaiah last year. Many of the prophecies about Christ are found in this book. When we look at the statistical odds of one man fulfilling over 400 prophecies with 100% accuracy, the number is so great it loses its meaning.

So let's consider the possibility of Him fulfilling just eight. That would be about the same odds as you being struck by lightning every day of your life and living to be 400 million years old.


God doesn't ask us to check our logic at the door.


The prophecies are given to confirm God's word, to get our attention and to give us full assurance of our faith.


"All this confirms for us the message of the prophets, to which you will do well

to attend; it will go on shining like a lamp in a murky place, until day breaks

and the morning star rises to illuminate your minds.

But first note this: no prophetic writing is a matter for private interpretation.

It was not on any human initiative that prophecy came; rather, it was under

the compulsion of the Holy Spirit that people spoke as messengers of God."

(2Peter 1:19-20)


If there were no Christmas we would still be slaves to sin, living in spiritual darkness. Living a life without meaning... without hope...

"I have come into the world as light, so that no one who has faith in me

should remain in darkness." (John 12:46)


So who is this man the prophets spoke about? Who is this baby, born of a virgin?

This man who comes as light to save us from our darkness?

Who is the Christ of Christmas?

Come back next Monday to learn more...


While you're waiting... consider this...

What do you celebrate on December 25th?

(I'll be sharing a little about the origin and history of Christmas later this week)







Sharing inspiration here:

1 comment:

  1. I was wowed when I read Isaiah for the first time last year. And now, as I make my way through the Old Testament, I am looking forward to getting to that book again. There is so much to absorb there -- I need to read it again and again.


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