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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Inspired by... fall in the desert


When we lived in Arizona, one of our favorite places to visit was the Boyce Thompson Arboretum. Especially during the change of seasons. Or at least when the seasons were changing in everywhere else!

Since not much changed visually in our backyard (palm trees do not turn blazing colors and drop their leaves fronds) it was always fun to visit the honey locust, jujube trees and the stunning Chinese pistachio trees at the Arboretum.

Of course, there were a lot of other interesting blooms and desert plants. If you're not familiar with what the southwest has to offer, some of these might surprise you.

I've been playing with Kim Klassen's new texture Phoebe and came up with this on a shot of some yucca blossoms. 



Here's a mini tour, a very brief sampling, of what the Arboretum has to offer, SOOC (straight out of the camera).

Fall Color



Barrel Cactus


Fish Hook Cactus



Agave (in bloom)



(I think, hard to tell close up)


I hope you've enjoyed the tour and texture today! If you're in Arizona I highly encourage you to visit the Arboretum in person. Take a picnic lunch and enjoy the day!


Do you have a special place where you go to enjoy Fall's grand display? or maybe it's right outside your front door!






Sharing inspiration here:

kimklassencafe and then, she {snapped}


  1. Hello! Awwww, so many gorgeous images! :) I am in love with that gorgeous barrel cactus!
    Hubby and I have been to Arizona for a few days in 2005. Such a magical place! Next time (hopefully there will be another USA-trip in our future) we'll make sure to go to the Arboretum :)
    Thanks for your visit and for your kind words on our "Two" image @ Texture Tuesday. The bird is a beautiful gull, and its wingspan is about 110-125cm. :)

  2. very lovely images; what a great photo opportunity. thank you so much for posting. beautiful processing. kareninkenai [TT]

  3. June your photos are awesome! I spent some time this summer in Arizona, and was blown away by all of the beauty. Definitely going to go back. Love what you did with Phoebe on the first shot!

  4. really beautiful texture work here!!

  5. These are lovely photos of desert plants and beautiful texture work on the yucca flowers!

  6. These are such lovely photos. I didn't know there were so many pretty flowers in the dessert.


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June