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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Inspired by... serendipity


Welcome to...


I am blessed to have a few new followers this week who may also be new to the concept of serendipity. So what's this all about? Every Sunday I share with you the unexpected and wonderful things I found that week! Finding unexpected and wonderful things is what serendipity is all about!


A Lone Flyer


I saw what I thought was the last hummingbird of the season two weeks ago, but I hadn't taken the time to take down my feeders yet. Imagine my surprise when this little fellow came to visit! I know it's a poor photo, but it's truly a blessing I even have this one to show you! The black-chinned hummers we have all summer and the Ruby-throated hummers that come through every Spring and Fall don't mind me hovering in the window. They're more concerned about keeping other hummers away from the food source! But this little guy was on his own and very timid.

As near as I can tell, he's a Rufus Hummingbird – my first sighting ever! And I can tell you, I was pretty excited about seeing him!  If you want a better look, there's lots of eye candy on Google!


Peace on Four Legs


I was tying Aslan out for his evening romp when this beauty stepped out of the meadow into my backyard. Our more accurately HIS backyard! He was distracted by a bunch of does and didn't notice me. He was quite close (not in this picture) and, of course, I did not have my camera!! I knew I couldn't move, and stood spellbound by his beauty and grace as he, slowly and carefully, made his way across the yard in front of me. I think deer, especially does, but even this majestic male are one of the most peaceful animals God has created.

Once he had moved far enough away I hurried inside for my camera and took these shots with my pathetic super zoom. {sigh}




A Feature!


If you're a follower of Madigan Made then you already know... Madigan Made... ME a feature!  Shannon's blog is one of the first, if not thee first blog I ever followed. I'm so excited and honored that she featured my little owl family on her blog this past Friday. Thank you, Shannon! Shannon's blog is da bomb! If you've never visited, I encourage you to click on over. I promise you'll be inspired!


So, what serendipitous finds did you have this week?




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