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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Inspired by... 12 Days of Textures {Day 10}


You're either wondering where Day 6-9 went or you're too busy with holiday preparations to have noticed that I've been absent for the last few days.  I wish I could say I've been busy, too, but unfortunately, it's been the flu. {sigh}

But I believe I'm on the mend now and wanted to share with you some of the more favored ornaments on our Christmas tree... and play with some textures at the same time!


Let's start with a smile, shall we?



Here is a beautiful hummingbird my mom gave me one year.



This is one of the older (vintage?) ornaments that has been passed down from my Grandmother's tree.



This one is special because my Nana made it for me.



My dad gave me a set of Hummel church ornaments one year... so sweet!



I think this one came from Wally World... but it's so pretty!



And this one my dad bought for me at a Christmas craft bazaar many, many years ago...

I still love it!



The best thing about decorating for Christmas at my house, is that 90% of my decorations were given to me by family or friends. Every year as I decorate my trees and set out my nativities and other decorations I'm reminded of the sweetness of each person who gifted me in the past. So in a very real sense, their gift continues to bless me year after year.


I hope you have a similar experience in your home this Christmas.




1 comment:

  1. I have been missing you.. but I was here catching up and could not find recent posts... We have had a bug at our house too..

    so glad you are on the mend and I adore your ornaments


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