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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Inspired by . . . peace amidst the storm

I find it ironic that my last post, before my computer crashed, was on the tranquil properties of lavender.

Let’s just say I’ve been spritzing a lot of it around here lately!

Some stressors that would normally be small or not-so-small, like your computer crashing, can become quite large when combined with other stressors.

Some people say that God does not give us more than we can bear. I’m not sure that that is true. Rather, I believe that when the trials and burdens of this life become too great, as the author of the poem Footprints In the Sand penned:

It is then that He carries us.

I have been carried a few times in my life. Thankfully, last week wasn’t one of them.

If you are in the midst of a storm, feeling like you need to be carried, please know:

No matter how viciously the waters rage, the Lord always brings peace amidst the storm. This Jesus, Who calms the wind and the wave with a word, gives us peace that passes all understanding.

Unlike a spritz of lavender, His peace is lasting.

His peace comes in different forms. Sometimes it is a quiet assurance. Sometimes He speaks through His word. Often His peace is imparted to me through His creation.


“But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you;
And the birds of the air, and they will tell you;
Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you;
And the fish of the sea will explain to you.
Who among all these does not know
That the hand of the Lord has done this,
In Whose hand is the life of every living thing,
And the breath of all mankind?”
Job 12:7-10


I’d like to share with you some of the peace that the birds of the air imparted to me this past week. See if you can hear what they tell you.




















Sharing inspiration here:

Wild Bird Wednesday

Thought-Provoking-Thursday-Button     PlayDatesGod

Little by Little


  1. My pastor gave a lesson some time ago on how saying God doesn't give us more than we can handle is a myth. I agree that when the trials become too great it is when He carries us the most. I loved your pictures. I loved most the ones of the birds where it looks like they are singing. Much love to you, June. xoxo

  2. No one, but no one, captures life with lens like you do, friend.

    What a way to start the day. Lavender and new life fill the air ... and I am breathing deep.

  3. amazing photographs!!

  4. Amazing shots! They're so cute.

  5. What a magnificent series of shots of these little birsdfrom egg to birth. These shots are superb.

  6. Love the shots, and most especially, the message!! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  7. Wonderful wisdom... and I'd call those pictures "stopping to smell the roses" that our Father gave us. Thanks for the reminder of our perspective and calling, June.

  8. Now I know what baby Cardinals look (or don't look) like! We have a pair in our little neck of the brush country. I love them but only see the children after they are teens.
    Thank you for sharing the grace that is only from God as He carries us so lovingly.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  9. Lots of lavender being applied here as well. I think I agree that God gives us more than we can handle to teach us to depend on Him rather than ourselves. It's not always a nice feeling to have to reach the end of ourselves, but it is when we can truly connect to God. Still, those moments of reprieve in struggle are a blessing too.

  10. love these! So pretty to have these so close up for you to snap images

  11. Hunger - all day long... ;-.)
    Great shots!

  12. Oh what amazing shots!! How sweet the baby birds are!

  13. Hi June! Wow, those photos of the baby birds are amazing! How fragile life is. How fragile we can be too when our problems and burdens become too much. I think that is when we are carried, you are so right. If I remember that I am not alone, then I can live in peace in my heart. Well, the lavender helps too!
    From Thought Provoking Thursday,

  14. Nature offers so many sacred gifts and you have captured many very creatively ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Amazing photos! Praise God that He cares even for the sparrow, and how much more does He care for us? His creation is a constant reminder of the joy and peace we have in Him.
    Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on Saved by Grace!
    Your blog is a blessing and I am now following it by GFC, and I invite you to follow Saved by Grace also:
    Love in Him,
    Laurie Collett

  16. That's incredible, they've made their nest in a flower pot of yours !!!
    Thank you so much my dearest June, for this good morning, made of amazing photographs and always so very beautiful words .... and for what you teach us <3
    I wish you a blessed weekend
    Sending much love

  17. Oh. Thank you for visiting me today. In turn I was able to come to you and smell the sweet aroma of His love in your heart. The way you captured the birds reveal the character of our God. In psalms it says open wide our mouths and he will fill it. Imagine how sad it would be if the mother never filled the open mouths. They have faith in her and her Creator. A yielded heart knows she can do nothing without God so His strength is limitless so yes He gives us no more than we can handle because the truth is when we surrender all He handles all so the He is our all in all is a reality.

  18. Very, very sweet. And super peaceful. I know for me, He is always there to carry me, I just have to let him :-) Looks like you are good at that June!


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June