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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Inspired by . . . always near the cross


Good morning! I’m glad to be back in this space today, if only briefly.



Help me to make use of {Christ’s righteousness} by faith

as the ground of my peace

and of thy favour and acceptance,

so that I may live always near the cross.

Valley of Vision p88


I read this prayer just before falling into bed Tuesday night, after having spent three days in the hospital with my dad. I thought, “That’s where I need to be, Lord, because it’s the only way I’m going to get through this.”

“But what does it mean to live near the cross, and how do I do it,” my exhausted mind asked just before I fell asleep.

Over the next few days, as we transitioned dad from the hospital to a rehab facility, snippets of this brief conversation kept coming back to me. I imagined myself sitting at His feet. Not as Mary did, in a warm house, listening to the Rabbi teach, but at the cross. In the desolation and pain of that moment. In the truth of that moment and what it means for me personally and for us collectively.




There is peace and comfort at the cross that transcends understanding. The arms of Jesus are not wrapped around me in comfort, as I often imagine them to be. No, as I sit at the cross, they are spread wide in sacrifice. How does that comfort me? His sacrifice was about more than the taking on and forgiveness of my sins. It is also about empathizing with my pain, whatever the source of that pain is: physical, emotional, spiritual. Jesus experienced and suffered all.

For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities;

but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
(Heb 4:15 KJV)

From Matthew Henry’s commentary we read:

Though He is so great, and so far above us, yet He is very kind, and tenderly concerned for us.

He is touched with the feeling of our infirmities in such a manner as none else can be;

for He was Himself tried with all the afflictions and troubles that are incident to our nature in its fallen state:

and this not only that He might be able to satisfy for us, but to sympathize with us.


Dad is recovering from his stroke more and more every day; growing stronger and less confused.

Today, the ice storms bring a mixed blessing, forcing me to stay home.

Sit quietly with me, won’t you? and think about what it means

to live always near the cross.





Sharing inspiration here:

Sandra Heska King - Still Saturday Renewed Daily - Recommendation Saturday


  1. So glad that you are feeling His peace today.

  2. Dear June ... praying for you and your dad even as we speak. May the Spirit's gentle quietness and your heart-writing give you a warm sense of peace ...

    Hugs, friend.

  3. Dear June,
    Glad that you have found this time near the cross. When I experienced the loss of my son, I had the assurance that the Lord was aware of my pain. He understood in a way that many people around me could not. God's peace!

  4. June- I am praying for you and your dad. Caring for parents in whatever capacity is consuming as well as a sacrifice at times. But no sacrifice was greater than Jesus dying on the cross for us. We are blessed by the blood of Jesus and I pray that your dad continues to get stronger. Your words were beautiful! Blessed you shared this with The Weekend Brew.

  5. I'm praying for you and for your Dad, darling, and I'm glad you feel so serene even in this awful moment, you truly are so fortunate to have Him so very beside you !
    Sending blessings from the deep of my heart and thank you, your words are always so precious to me.
    With much love

  6. June, just a year ago this same week, I was walking the same journey with my father. God ended up taking him home. But even in that, I was comforted knowing that our High Priest knows all. And He cares.

    May you be comforted by His ever-present help, and the peace that passes understanding. And I will pray that God brings healing to your father. And strength for you to walk these days.


  7. Beautiful photos, prayer, and message June. Glad to hear your dad is recovering. Prayers for him and for strength and health for you and your family.

  8. June, My time at the computer is limited these days, but I'm so glad I made time for a visit here this morning. Your faith is always an inspiration to me. I am praying for your father today - and for your family. I pray that the God will provide your father a wonderful team of rehab specialists and the effects of the stroke will be minimized. I am grateful for these few minutes when I do sit at the foot of the cross and try to accept that God loves me with such sacrifice. Even in times of your own suffering, you continue to shore me up. Thank you.


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June