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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 10:52

Waking up to the rain this morning was truly a blessing. We need it so badly here in south Texas. It should also help clear some of this pollen out of the air, saving me from death-by-sneezing.

The rain comes in perfect timing after the gorgeous weather we had last week. My back tolerated an hour or so cleaning out the flower beds, making room for the new growth that has already begun to sprout.

Butterfly Weed
All the discomfort of being on my knees was worth it to have a visit from this sweet lady.

American Lady Butterfly
My Dreamer was just as busy, mowing and clearing out old growth from around the trees.

I thought this was a neat picture of the old Tico 2 engine my Dreamer rescued from the Randau Oil Lease in Web-county, Texas. Everybody thinks it's a canon.

It was lovely to take a rest after working in the soil, and be serenaded by this sweet voice.

I do love to listen to my house finches!  All is peaceful, until the clowns of the bird-world swoop in and make their presence known.

I took my walk a little later than normal one day, and was able to sneak up on the last few winter hold-outs. It's so much easier to spot them in the green grass. 

Soon, all the Western Meadowlarks will be returning north. You can see an animated map of their annual migration here, if you're interested.

I like this shot because it shows their markings, both back, and a hint of the front, so well. Such a contrast! From the back, you'd never guess the front of this bird was so lovely!

I'll miss the meadowlarks when they go. But their departure means that the hummingbirds and scissor-tail flycatchers will be arriving soon. I wonder how many babies we'll have this year?!

The seasons change, the birds come and go, but I can always count on Kitty to be waiting for me when I get back from my walk.

What are you seeing
through your lens this week?


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