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Saturday, April 2, 2016

Inspired by . . . March - a look back

Maybe it's just me, but March seemed to linger this year. It was a long month, {nearly} five full weeks. Easter gave us the opportunity to slow down and to take in the wonder and enormity of what Christ did for us on the cross, and to spend time with family.

All-in-all it was a good month, but I did find it difficult to pick just eight photos to highlight in my collage!

A few random things I learned this month:

March weather is unpredictable: even in south TX. I'm so glad I didn't plant my seedlings on the 20th. I woke up to frosty grass on the 21st! And yesterday, we had a hail storm.

I don't like the wind: technically I knew this, of course, but it bears repeating when I feel like whining about the weather. Which, coincidentally is whenever it's windy outside.

It doesn't take much to make me happy: my Dreamer tells me this, with affection, often. Usually, just after I've come racing inside to tell him about some new bird or butterfly I saw. I've learned to temper my excitement just a bit, lest he think we're under attack by aliens - - or something. 

Things mean more when you have to wait (or work) for them: I think we've lost the sense of this in our instant gratification society. My Dreamer and I have been wanting to fence our yard for awhile now. Mostly to keep out the deer, so we can have the plants and flowers we love. Well, the fence posts are up, and we are well on our way to achieving this goal! I'm dreaming of all the flowers I'm going to plant in the next few months!

One day is not nearly enough to absorb the enormity of what Christ has done for me: while Jesus' sacrifice should be celebrated daily in the heart of all believers, the reality and astonishment of His resurrection seems to be lost once Easter Sunday has passed. As Kimberlee Conway Ireton shares in her book, The Circle of Seasons, our forebearers in faith observed the Great Fifty Days, the time between Easter Sunday and Pentecost as a time of "sustained attention to the reality and joy of the resurrection." I think I will do well to follow their example.

I miss playing around in Photoshop: I used to participate in a photo art meme hosted by Bonnie Zieman. Sadly, Bonnie discontinued her blog a little over a year ago. I've missed creating a piece of photo art each week, and the fun challenges she gave us. If any of you know of a photo art meme currently running, kindly let me know in the comments, I'd love to participate!

That was my March.

When you look back,
what do you see?


Sharing inspiration here:
Mona's Picturesque
Emily P. Freeman

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