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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 21:52

It's a funny thing about the best laid plans . . . sometimes they just don't work out. We had initially planned this Mother's Day outing to LBJ Ranch last year. But mechanical problems sidelined us in Hye, TX and by the time things were fixed it was too late in the day to continue. Two other attempts had to be rescheduled until, finally, this month we were successful! It was a gray day, and we weren't too sure of the weather, but we were determined to make a go of it!

Our first destination was Wildseed Farms, and to our delight, the poppies were blooming!

The perfect start to our day!

From there we made our way to LBJ Ranch and the Texas Whitehouse. The Johnson's donated 600 acres to the National Parks Service, but the remaining acreage is still a working ranch.

The Dreamer and I had visited the Texas White House last year, but each guide shares something a little bit different, so it was just as interesting the second time around!

Here's my mom in front of the beautiful "cabinet" oak. So called because President Johnson often held cabinet meetings under it's graceful branches.

The Johnson Family cemetery is situated on the banks of the Pedernales river, and a more peaceful scene I cannot imagine.

President Johnson's grandmother's grave has a sweet little lamb on top, adding to the serenity of this solemn place.

Back at the state park, we visited the Sauer-Beckmann Farmstead, a living history farm dating back to the early 1900s. One of the Sauer children, Augusta Sauer Lindig, served as a midwife at the birth of President Johnson.

The chickens had already been cooped up for the night, but this brown-headed cowbird gave us greeting.

It was late in the day and most of the animals had already been fed and were taking their leisure. We didn't linger long here, the scene was peaceful, but the scent was not.

The scent and beauty of the Mock Orange, however, was the perfect way to end our day! Scratch-and-sniff ?

What are you seeing
through your lens this week?


Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Through My Lens, Little Things Thursdays,
Bird D’pot, Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens, Wild Bird Wednesday,
Our World Tuesday, Community Global, Photo Friday

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