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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 22:52

I'm calling this the front porch edition. All of these pictures were taken from my front porch.

We had a beautiful full moon earlier this month. I was hoping to share pictures of the moon along with the planet mars with you, but on the prime nights for viewing mars we were shrouded in clouds making viewing impossible.

Birds are a constant source of amazement, and JOY for me. We're all used to seeing them perched on tree branches, but my flycatchers seem to prefer dead stalks instead. It's a keen reminder of just how light our feathered friends really are!

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

Western Kingbird

I've been trying to catch these beautiful birds in flight. They are so fast! This is my best shot yet - I've got a long way to go!

It's always a treat to see the rock squirrels, they don't come around very often. Here's one sitting on his namesake.

Rock Squirrel

With the warmer weather that inevitably comes as the calendar approaches mid-year we're seeing a lot more lizards around.

Texas Spiny Lizard

We had quite a bit of hummer traffic last week. I'm also working on capturing these beauties in flight. This was my favorite out of the hundreds of shots I took. Again, I've got a long way to go.

I often have help when I'm out shooting the birds. Technically this shot wasn't taken from my porch, but from atop a large rock in my front yard. Selfie with me and Kitty.

I think Mr. & Mrs. Wren have finally decided to use the nest they built in this birdhouse. I hope so, I can't imagine anything cuter than baby wrens!

Carolina Wren
The mockingbird couple have built a nest in our cottonwood tree. These birds are completely nuts. They stand guard over their nest, and anything within a 100 yard radius, with a fierce tenacity. The poor srub jay can't even come to feed on the suet cake without being attached. Yesterday, they had him pinned down in the cedar tree for ten minutes before he was able to make a fly for it. The poor guy. He will have to learn not to announce his presence so loudly in the future if he wants a chance at a meal.

Crepe myrtle blooms speak the language of summer. Steamy days, and deep blue skies.

Lazy afternoon naps, and late nights around the campfire. Finding pictures in the clouds, and chasing butterflies. Days at the beach, or skimming the lake. Sun-baked bodies, and salty ocean mists. Cool forests dripping with dew.

What does summer
have in store for you?


Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Through My Lens, Little Things Thursdays,
Bird D’pot, Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens, Wild Bird Wednesday,
Our World Tuesday, Community Global, Photo Friday

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