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Monday, March 27, 2017

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 13:52

Spring enters with a chorus of bird calls. This is the most active time of year for the birds and I want to camp out on my front porch and take it all in.

The Mockingbirds are deliriously animated in their courtship. Sitting high atop the oak trees, reciting every playlist they've ever learned in hopes of attracting a mate. 

The smaller birds, like the Black-crested Titmice and the Carolina Chickadees, chase each other through the trees, chattering as they go.

The Carolina Wrens are a fickle sort. Building a nest here, only to abandon it for a better location over there.

My sweet Phoebe's are a joy to watch and wake me every morning just before dawn with their gentle calls.

Yesterday, I watched two red-tailed hawks ascending the thermals, the sun burned their undersides golden as they dipped and soared. I'd love to follow them back to their nesting site but my world has boundaries that theirs will never know.

The Vermillion Flycatcher and his mate dashed through in a flash of tangerine-red. So brilliant my eyes can barely hold the color. 

The black-chinned hummingbirds are back. Two so far. I have two feeders in the yard and they still don't want to share. When the ruby-throats start north the real wars will begin.

The finches are at the feeders again after feasting in the fields all winter. And the sweet chipping sparrows are enjoying the suet I keep stocked.  

Soon the migratory birds will begin passing through and I'll have fun trying to identify them one-by-one. If you're interested, allaboutbirds.org is a great resource site.

Bird watching is a great excuse to slow down and take note of the world around you - you'll be amazed at what you can find in your own backyard!

So tell me, what are you observing through your lens this week?

Have a wonder-filled day,

Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Through My LensBird D’pot,
Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens,
Wild Bird WednesdayOur World Tuesday,
Community Global, Photo Friday, Little Things Thursday

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