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Monday, October 2, 2017

Inspired by . . . Sing to Jesus: Day 2

Continuing the #write31day challenge  . . .

Today's Reading:

Psalm 2
Psalm 32
Psalm 62
Psalm 92
Psalm 122

Today's Offering:

Psalm 2 reminds us that nations and people have always raged and plotted against the Lord and His people. But we have nothing to fear. For He shall instruct and guide us. He is our hiding place in times of trouble. (Psalm 32) We are admonished to wait silently for Him. For He is our refuge and our salvation. (Psalm 62) His lovingkindness and faithfulness, indeed all His wondrous works are a reason to shout His praises and give thanks to Him. Because of His indwelling Spirit, we can know peace and be peace to others.  Let us pray for Jerusalem, the city of His return. May we walk forth in peace this day and be a blessing to others. In Jesus name, Amen.


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