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Friday, October 6, 2017

Inspired by . . . Sing to Jesus: Day 6

Continuing the #write31day challenge  . . . you can find the entire series here.

Today's Reading:

Today's Offering:

The first part of Psalm 36 tells us where sin begins. How it flatters and deceives and sets a man on an evil course. In contrast, the cry of the man's heart in Psalm 6 is for mercy and forgiveness.

How do we deal with our sin? Do we believe the voice of flattery and convince ourselves it's not that bad? or do we cry out for mercy and healing?

The latter will result in the song, praise, and testimonies we see in Psalm 66, 96 and 126 of today's reading.

Let us deal quickly with the sin in our lives so that our lips will be quick to praise Him.

Lord, You are a great and merciful God! We confess our sin before You this day and beg for mercy. We accept Christ's great gift of grace and forgiveness earned at the cross. We lift our voices in prayer and praise, telling all who will listen of your great and awesome deeds.

It is a new day with new mercies and we sing a new song to You, our King and our Savior. You have renewed and restored us and our song is filled with JOY and gratitude. In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.



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