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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 6:52

We've been having typical Texas weather. Translation: one day its 80 degrees and the next its 40 degrees.  If you've been around here any length of time, it won't be too hard to figure out which I prefer!

Every two or three days we wake up to a misty morning with plenty of fog lingering in the valley. We haven't had much in the way of real rain. Just a lot of damp days.

The Killdeer seem to enjoy this weather. We have several flocks that come and go. I assume they must be making their rounds to various other ranches and open fields. There are always at least two around and I enjoy watching them.

The description of them on allaboutbirds.org is spot on! 
These tawny birds run across the ground in spurts, stopping with a jolt every so often to check their progress, or to see if they’ve startled up any insect prey.
This being chiefly why it is so difficult to get a clear shot of them! They have long, graceful wings and are beautiful in flight.

Admittedly there is not much to photograph this time of year. The Tallow tree is still bedecked in her seed baubles which look pretty against the winter sky.

We had a Super Blue Moon eclipse in this part of the world on January 31st. Did you see it? The lunar event graced our morning sky. Too early for some but here in Texas, the eclipse began at 5:48am so I made the effort to get up a little earlier than usual and was glad I did!

I had taken some shots of the Super Blue Moon the evening before. As you may know, it is called a supermoon because of it's proximity to the earth and a blue moon because it was the second full moon within the same calendar month. 

If you're really interested, earthsky.org is a great resource. This article talks about blue moons and when you can expect the next one.

Unfortunately, the clouds moved in pretty quickly so I was only able to capture the beginning of the eclipse. I missed seeing the rosy glow of the total eclipse caused by refracted light passing through the earth's atmosphere. If you missed it you can find plenty of images here.

Despite the clouds and the cool temperatures, there was something special about being outside in the dark, gazing up at this fixed object in space that we still know so little about. 

There is a peace and humility that comes from recognizing and embracing the truth that we are very small and insignificant, yet we are loved by a God Who is immeasurable and supreme.

What are you seeing through your lens this week?


Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Through My LensBird D’pot,
Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens,
Wild Bird WednesdayOur World Tuesday,
Community Global, Photo Friday, Little Things Thursday

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