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Monday, February 3, 2020

Inspired by . . . understanding through obedience

This is a picture of tracks made by a doodlebug. I wrote about these interesting creatures, that are actually called antlions, several years ago and God brought them to mind again today.

The antlion larva walks backward, creating these crazy trails that are supposed to confuse its prey and lead them into its pit. Apparently, a trail that is curvy is less suspect to an ant than a trail that is straight. Maybe. To be honest, I don't really know.

Two things I do know:

Doodlebugs, their crazy names, and silly trails are fun and reveal to us an important part of God's nature.


The things of God can sometimes seem confusing and complex. Almost hidden from us in some way. Often difficult to understand.

The truth is, we humans often complicate things unnecessarily. While it's true that God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts, He does not hide Himself from those who honestly seek Him.

Jesus said, "Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him." (John 14:21)

What does it mean, He will manifest Himself to us?

readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain:
Jesus is saying that He will make Himself obvious and understood to all who obey Him. Our obedience reveals whether or not we truly love God.

We may attend church every Sunday and be learned of the scriptures but as George MacDonald says,

Instead of asking yourself whether you believe or not, ask yourself whether you have this day done one thing because He said, Do it, or once abstained because He said, Do not do it. It is simply absurd to say you believe or even want to believe in Him if you do not anything He tells you.
Are we motivated to action because of our love for God? Are we patient, kind, and gentle because He told us to be this way toward our fellow-man or because it serves us best in the current situation? Do we seek to obey Him only in the ways that come easy for us or do we also sincerely try to love our enemies?

If we're feeling like a wave tossed hither and thither by the wind it may be that we are seeking Him with a divided heart.

If you're not already aware of your fault, ask Him to reveal it and cleanse it. If you're aware but not ready to confess it, ask Him to hold you back from willful sins.

Lord, cleanse me from any secret fault, hold back Your servant also from willful sins, lest they get the better of me. Then I shall be blameless, innocent of grave offense. May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my mind be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer!


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