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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens Revisited, Vol. V

A brief dip of overnight temperatures into the low 60's last week gave us a hint of the changes to come. Yet a scroll through the 10-day predicts September arriving in the triple digits. While other regions are enjoying the last of the sunflowers and the first of the pumpkins, summer shows no sign of lessening its grip on central Texas.

Since it's too hot for a walk, let's just sit here on the porch and enJOY the birds, blooms, and flying flowers.

It's hard not to be impressed by the Vermilion Flycatcher. We don't see him in the yard often, he prefers a copse of trees further on. A few times every summer he'll visit the birdbath and it's always a treat!

We had some rain last week which caused our Texas Sage to burst out in joyful bloom. This Pipevine Swallowtail took full advantage!

I just love these sweet little Inca Doves. They come to feed in the evening and are always together. As ground feeders, they are constantly moving and it is difficult to get a clear shot!

Finally, the female Summer Tanager! She has been alluding me all summer. 

Are you tired of seeing pictures of butterflies on zinnias? Sorry. Not sorry. I could chase this Painted Lady from bloom to bloom all day long.

I have so many Cardinals this year! Based on their behavior patterns I'm pretty sure one pair had two hatches. This immature female is from the second hatch. It is beyond entertaining to watch them feed. The younger males wait their turn while the older males feed. I think they may deserve a post all their own!

Thank you for stopping by and letting me share my porch view with you. I pray that you catch a glimpse of His majesty in these images and feel His love surround you as you go about your day.

Have a wonder-filled week, friends!

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