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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Inspired by... serendipity


Welcome to another...


I hope everyone had a great week!  Mine got a little hectic toward the end, but that's okay because it was due to the first unexpected and wonderful thing I want to share with you this week!

My Pastor and his wife  have been praying for the perfect opportunity to adopt and that opportunity came this week in the form of two precious little boys!  So there was suddenly a baby shower to prepare for! Whoot!  I can't share with you what I made just yet (I'm sure the new mamma is far too busy to read this 'ole blog, but still, it's only right that she see it first!) but I'll be sharing the cuteness with you next week!

You may remember when I shared my Lemon Cake recipe with you that a friend had loaned me her Kitchen Aid mixer and I was looking for excuses to bake.  Well, this week she arrived at my home with another "accessory" for the mixer.


The BOW is the new "accessory" !!!  She decided to give me her mixer! Wow! I'm still in shock. I'm completely thrilled, and yet deeply humbled by her generous gift. It's not nearly enough, but, thank you, Susan. (And I hope I got my comma usage correct in that sentence!)

I may not have won the Raspberry Artisan that Sweetopia was giving away, but truly, this is so much better!  I will think of, and be thankful for, my dear friend every time I use it!


Finally, it's always unexpected when the babies fledge!!


Baby #3 was born about 4-5 after his brothers (no, I don't really know their sex, but don't they just look like boys?) and it was so cute to watch his big brothers hide and protect him whenever the big, bad human came near!

Swallows_3Babies I can't help but crack up every time I look at them.  Their markings make them look like little frowning bandits!  I will enjoy my last few days with them.  Soon they won't be returning to the nest.

Of course, I'm not the only one who's been watching them...

Aslan_Door There is so much "cuteness" at my house, I can hardly stand it sometimes!


What serendipitous finds did you have this week?




1 comment:

  1. Hi June, Thanks so much for stopping by & leaving a comment on my blog. I'm so happy for you about your mixer! Mine looks just like yours & was also handed down to me by my aunt. I use mine a lot! And it looks like your are going to make great things for others with your mixer. I'm so happy for you!

    Warmly, Michelle


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June