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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Inspired by... photos


I wanted to "play" with some old photos and asked my dad if he had any picture of the "old homestead."  When expressing my surprise that he didn't have a picture of "just the house" he stated, "We didn't take pictures of houses, we took pictures of people!"


Post Homestead, LaRue Road, Passaic County, Newfoundland, New Jersey, 1906

Charles Henry Post B-1864

Charles Earle Post B-1901

(mouse over to see before touch up)


Eons before digital photography, photographs were costly and arduous to take.  Amazing when I think of the subject matter and quantity of pictures I've taken just this past week alone.  I must have taken 20 shots of the enchiladas dinner I made the other night!

Certainly the changes in photography have more to do with technology than values, but dad's comment struck me.

I think it's safe to say that values have changed over the last 5-100 years. The value we place on human life has diminished while the value we place on money and material possessions has definitely increased. Even a cursory glance at the evening news reveals how true this is.

I know for my own part, I sometimes have to make a conscious effort to be aware of others around me. To see them as people with lives, loves, hurts, etc. The woman driving the car in front of me going 20 mph under the speed limit is someone's wife, mother, daughter. You get the idea.


Ava_Elaine Ava Elaine, 1939


So it's a good reminder when I look at these old photos, or any photo for that matter, to remember that it's the people, not the possessions that matter.

A good question to ask ourselves periodically is, "Are there relationships I'm neglecting because of the "things" in my life?"

Relationships take work and it's easy to take people for granted. Especially those closest to us. The relationships we have and the memories we make are the only "things" that truly endure over time. 


Lois_20yr Lois Marie, 1961


What are your plans for making memories that endure this weekend?


Happy Mother's Day!






Fabulous textures used:

Ava Elaine – Bonnie's yesteryear

Lois Marie – Kim's vintage texture


Sharing inspiration here:





  1. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. Wishing you and your family a wonderful MOTHER'S DAY too!

  2. WOW!!!... This really struck a cord, as I have been photographing a hosue for an interior designer this past week. It is work that I often do..but the photos I take and often the home I photograph give no hint to who lives there...

    Beautiful old photos BTW.. Stunning...


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June