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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Inspired by... silence

"Help me. . . never to judge my religion by occasional impressions and impulses, but by my constant and prevailing disposition." Valley of Vision pg. 118

What is my disposition?
Is it one of faith? doubt? fear?

When do I feel closest to God?

There have been times in my life, hard times, scary times, out of control times, when I've had to rely on His protection, His guidance, moment by moment.
God seemed so close, so real.

There have been times of overwhelming blessing. So amazing you could almost see the hands of God orchestrating each moment.
God seemed so close, so real.

And there have been times of silence.
Silence in the midst of loss, confusion, change. Looking around in the spiritual darkness, wondering. . .
How? why? what now, Lord?

". . . trust thee when walking in darkness."

Don't let the rain blind you to the rainbow.

The answer to all the questions is: TRUST
Trust His word. Trust what is True, not what you feel. Trust Who He is and what He said He will do.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Heb 13:8

There will come a time when you will begin to hear despite the silence and see even in the darkness.

What is my disposition?
It is one of faith.
God has a purpose.
Even in the silence.


Sharing inspiration here:


  1. without rain there would not be a rainbow :) I love that about God! Visiting from Scripture and a Snapshot.

  2. Thank you for sharing about silence! I tend to forget that silence is also one o God's wayw to work in me and through me!
    Beautiful shot!
    Blessings & Joys coming your way!
    Pia xx


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