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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Inspired by... a sweet shot


You may remember #2 from my Top Ten Truths about me list. . .


SOOC  Pipevine Swallowtail SOOC


It's a rare day when I get the opportunity to chase butterflies. Even more rare to have one stay still long enough to get a shot like this.  Delight!


Linking up with Kim's challenge this week, to use two of  her textures. Play with the blend modes and step out of the box a bit...





I used Kim's Shine texture, hard mix blend then her Stay texture in multiply blend mode.


I hope your day includes some time spent chasing butterflies. . .

or at least time dreaming about it!







Sharing inspiration here:

kimklassencafe Sweet Shot Day and then, she {snapped}


  1. So beautiful!!!!!

    ANd I ask forgiveness.. I am doing my best to get all caught up with you. I feel as if I am missing a good friend.. My apologies.

  2. A great capture, June!! Butterflies truly are God's 'flying flowers'! Such a beautiful before, and after with your use of textures ... the second one looks like a painting!! We haven't had many butterflies to chase this year ... thank you for sharing yours! You have a blessed week!

  3. That's an amazing butterfly, it's huge and the colours are amazing.

  4. What a lovely shot and fabulous what you did with it


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June