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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Inspired by. . . more roses


Can one ever tire of roses?

I didn't look up the hardcore statistics, but my guess is that roses are the most used flowers at weddings. More and more brides are choosing to do much of the planning, preparation and even the implementation of their weddings themselves.

If you've decided to do your own table decorations and/or your own bridal bouquet, I highly recommend doing a "test run" before the big day.

There are a lot of informative, well-done instructional videos out there on how to make bridal bouquets and boutonnières.  Just remember, things don't always work out the way you envision them, so a test run {or two} beforehand will ensure your bridal bouquet and/or centerpieces look as stunning on your special day as they do in your mind.

Note: I found the you tube videos by Lily of the Valley Florists to be the most helpful. If the above link doesn't work search "Wedding Flowers & Floral Arrangements : How to Make a Bouquet for the Bride "

Here's an example of the centerpiece "test run" I did for the last weekend's wedding.



Wives, understand and support your husband in ways that show your support for Christ.

Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the Church- a love marked by giving, not getting.



The "test" bouquet purchased at the local grocery store was not as fresh as it could have been and the roses had opened far too much to achieve the look I wanted. But the test run confirmed that with fresher, tighter blooms, the teacup arrangement would be perfect! Exactly the look I was hoping to achieve. {check back next week for the reception photos!}

The large, full blooms did not work well in the bridal bouquet either. Even being gentle with stems, the large blooms pushing against each other caused some of them to snap off. I recommend working with fresh, hydrated flowers with tighter blooms that are just beginning to open.

Some other things to think about, flowers will last longer if you can keep them cold. This may be challenging, especially if you're allocating refrigerator space for the cake and other food. I ordered my flowers for pick up the day before the wedding, ensuring they would be the freshest possible. But this also meant I had to set aside enough time the day before to make the bouquets and boutonnières. It's important to keep all this in mind when making your wedding timeline. #1 rule: Things always take longer to accomplish then you think they will.

A gentle warning: You don't want to add unnecessary stress to your wedding day, so consider this DIY project carefully before taking it on. Still want to DIY, but not do it yourself? Consider asking a friend or family member to do your flowers. It may be the perfect way to involve that person in your special day.

Here's a sneak peak at one of my pinterest inspirations, used in the final bridal bouquet:


Thanks to Taryn over at Design, Dining and Diapers



I've got pictures of the bridal bouquet and more DIY ideas and tips to share with you, so check back soon!


Have a wonder-filled day,





Sharing inspiration here:

Skip To My Lou homework Boogieboard Cottage

1 comment:

  1. Exquisite blooms for a cup of tea and charming texture.


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