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Friday, May 23, 2014

Inspired by . . . old book – new book


Shh . . . don't tell . . . . Jonathon Graham here, hijacking June's blog again, to share some words about old books and new books!


I love the smell of books. Don't you?

Old books, especially, seem to have a mysterious scent about them. It's interesting to think about all the different people who might have held the book, what they thought when reading it, how it impacted their lives. Hmm, I might suggest to June that she write a book about the journey of a book one day, lol!

I have a fair-sized collection of books. Nothing extraordinarily valuable in the eyes of the world. But each book that I've kept, I've kept because it has value to me.

My wife and I have limited space in our little bungalow, so most of my collection is currently boxed, awaiting the day when I'm able to shelf them again.

Since moving to the bungalow a few years ago, I've been purchasing most of my books in eBook format. One of the things I really like about eBooks is that, if I have my cell phone with me, I have access to my library! Now when I'm waiting at the doctor's office, or other similar appointments, I can catch up on my reading!

I must admit, though, I do miss holding a book in my hands and turning the pages.

So why am I talking about books anyway? Well, because I have some exciting news to share with all of you!


Starflower has just been released in eBook format!




I know a lot of you prefer eBooks, and June and I are so thankful to be able to offer Starflower to you in this format!




Even more exciting, for those of you who still like holding a book in your hand, when you purchase the print copy of either Heart's Desire, or Starflower, you can get the eBook version for free!




For those of you new to eBook reading, you don't have to purchase a Kindle to read these books.  The eBooks can be downloaded onto your personal computer, or your smart phone. This also applies to those of you who have ipad, tablet, or nook. You can still read eBooks purchased from Amazon on your personal computer!

Oh, and one more thing before I go – and June would definitely NOT want you to know about this – so don't breathe a word!



Her birthday is next month!


And I happen to know that she has some special gifts lined up for YOU during her birthday week!

So stay tuned!


Well, I'm off to hijack her Twitter and Facebook accounts!


Be Blessed,



PS – For those of you wondering about June's new book, No Tomorrow: it wasn't released last month as expected, but we have some exciting news about this title, coming soon!


  1. Just got Starflower in the old fashioned form... looking forward to reading! Thanks for the heads up!

  2. Dear husband of June's . . . I adore your wife and cannot wait to read her book. I just love that you hijacked her blog to share this message with us. :)


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June