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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Inspired by . . . after the rain


Lord, thank You for the rain You showered upon us today.




The little Lark Sparrows didn't waste any time getting back to their dinner ritual. Did you know that Lark Sparrows walk along the ground, rather than hop like other sparrows? They only hop when trying to attract a mate.




He does great things that we cannot understand and miracles that we cannot count.
He gives rain to the earth and sends water to the fields.  Job 5:9-10




This House Finch was pretty wet.  Oops! Not anymore, lol! {both images textured with Kim's kk_rainyday}



I happened to be outside when the rain stopped and was able to observe some bird behavior I had never seen before. This Lesser Goldfinch "Texas Form" {meaning he has a solid black back} flew into this crepe myrtle tree and began drinking the water that had collected on the leaves!




The insects are out after the rain, too, and that meant supper for these Scissor-tails!




They kept flying back to the nest, which tells me their babies might have hatched.  I'll be stalking the nest for the next week or so – fingers crossed for some baby pictures!




He covers the sky with clouds. He provides rain for the ground. He makes grass grow on the mountains. Psalm 147:8




There was a lot of activity at the hummingbird feeder!  This poor female black-chinned hummingbird was under constant attack! {That white line in the picture is a rain drop!} Not much deters these little guys from feeding. I've watched them at the feeder when they could barely hold their own against the wind and rain.


We all face storms in life.

How do you handle life's storms?

Do you face them head-on like the hummingbird?

Or do you take cover like the sparrows and wait for the storm to pass?


"Therefore, everyone who hears what I say and obeys it will be like a wise person who built a house on rock.
Rain poured, and floods came. Winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not collapse, because its foundation was on rock.
"Everyone who hears what I say but doesn't obey it will be like a foolish person who built a house on sand.
Rain poured, and floods came. Winds blew and struck that house. It collapsed, and the result was a total disaster."
  Matt 7:24-27





Sharing inspiration here:


Scripture and Snapshot


  1. Thanks for posting these lovely pictures and inspirational thoughts, June. We have Robins entertaining us right now. They spend their day knocking cherries out of the tree and running after them as they roll down the hill. I marvel at the creative genius of our Heavenly Father. So much to trust about Him! Bless you.

  2. Those are great pictures. We have been blessed by our Father's creation and most of us take the treasures for granted, glad you don't. I'm looking for the hummingbird nests around our house too. We have some every year. Although I must say I don't treasure the pigeons living just outside my office on the roof and using my front door mat as their bathroom...

  3. June, first of all, may I just apologize that it's taken me so long to visit your beautiful blog. I've always appreciated the comments you leave at my place, and I guess it's just *better-late-than-never* with my long overdue visit. This is a lovely and quiet place. I am honored to follow you, and I have also added you to my blog roll so I can keep apprised of your updates.

    I loved the pictures of the birds - they're so varied and colorful. And the Scriptures you added were really nice, too. As to your lesson, well, I am a sparrow. I hide, take cover (sometimes under the covers!). I'm not known for my bravery in the storms of life. But, while I might be hiding out, I'm still covered by His wings.


  4. What a wonderful array of different birds! How did you ever catch a still hummingbird - stunning image!!

  5. June ~ God certainly has blessed you with endless creativity as a writer and photographer. Thank you for continuing to share the bounty of your giftedness with us!

    What a lovely close to the most delightful Sunday afternoon ...

  6. Your pictures are always lovely, June. Hummingbirds have always been one of my favorites. I think you may have inspired me to get out with my camera today. :) Much love to you, friend.

  7. Wonderful pictures! I often wonder how the birds are faring when a big storm rolls through.

  8. In the 28+ years I lived in Texas I never saw a scissortail on the ground; only on wires. Really beautiful photos of him. Actually, I loved all of your bird photos. You know well my weakness for birds. :)

  9. I am a bird addict. Love to hear them, love to see them... would love to see more and more. Your photos just grabbed my heart and my attention. Thank you so much.

  10. What beautiful pictures. In between the rain showers we have been having, I've still been hearing the cicadas. I like your reminder to be more like the hummingbird.


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June