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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Inspired by . . . a safe nest

I have been waiting nearly four weeks to share this with you – and I'm so excited to do so today.

You see a few weeks ago, I found this:




It's a nest. I would love to see exactly what it's made out of, but I'm not allowed to climb trees anymore, lol! 

I wasn't sure whose nest it was, so I lurked about for awhile and was so pleased to see this:






She is a scissor-tail flycatcher. I've shared images of these beautiful birds with you before. I imagine it is a bit challenging to find just the right spot for the nest – with room in the back, lol!




As you might imagine, now that I had found the nest, and saw that the parents were actively sitting on eggs, I began lurking about – checking daily for increased activity.




Trying not to annoy the poor girl to death with my camera clicks! Birds are such attentive parents!

Then, on Sunday, we had terrible T-storms, blowing rain, earth-shaking thunder. I was so worried that the nest might be destroyed.  It wasn't until Monday that the weather cleared enough for me to get out. It was still cloudy, so these shots aren't the best, but . . . happy birthday, little ones!






After the feedings, in which both parents participate, momma does a lot of "inspecting" to make sure everyone settles down quietly for their nap!




She did this for several minutes . . .




. . . before flying off to meet up with her mate. Here are the two of them perched near their nest, keeping watch {over the crazy lady with the camera!}.



Textured with Kim's bentedges


As I mentioned, I've been pondering this post for several weeks, just hoping I'd be able to capture some baby shots to share with you. All this time there has been one scripture that has kept coming back to me over and over again.


Jesus told him, "Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to sleep."  Luke 9:58


I can't quite get my mind around the truth that Jesus laid aside the Glory, and Power, and Might that is rightfully His, this Jesus that could have called ten legions of angels to His aid, but didn't - He laid all that aside to come to earth as a man, and suffer, and die for my sin. It's not just a message for Easter Sunday. It's a message I need to be reminded of every day. And He graciously uses the world, created for Him and by Him, to remind me.

I'm not guaranteed a safe home, a fancy home, a big home, or a perfect home in this world – but I am in the next.

Because the One who protected the scissor-tail babies through the storm on Sunday is the One Who has gone ahead to prepare a place for me.


"Don't be troubled. Believe in God, and believe in me.
My Father's house has many rooms. If that were not true, would I have told you that I'm going to prepare a place for you?
If I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again. Then I will bring you into my presence so that you will be where I am.
You know the way to the place where I am going."
  John 14:1-4


Welcome Home.






Sharing inspiration here:

Wild Bird Wednesday

Thought-Provoking-Thursday-Button   PlayDatesGod

Kim Klassen dot Com Sandra Heska King - Still Saturday
A Soft Gentle Voice 7 Days Time


  1. Great sequence!! Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

  2. June, how utterly lovely. I loved your pictures, and I love the fact that the Bird Family came through the storm! My favorite photo was the one of just the little beak poking up from the nest. So trusting...

    I love how you related this story to our Savior. Yes, the Man of Sorrows. We do need to remind ourselves of all that He laid aside in love for us. Such gracious humility, such deep mercy. We are blessed, eternally blessed, because of Him - the One who could have spurned the cross with a heavenly rescue, but didn't. Because of love...

    Sigh - how I love Him.


  3. I love this! Thanks for sharing your pictures and wonderful thoughts! what a comfort!

  4. HI June Well if was waiting 4 weeks to have this post. The series of shots and story were fantastic and God is always in control and it was great that he was protecting these little ones in to His world. Thanks for sharing and God bless you.

  5. I'm smiling big over here. I love, love your pictures and your side comments just made me laugh. But I loved the verse that was on your heart and the message you shared with us. Such a powerful reminder. And it is one we need to not only remember on Easter but every day. You've blessed me so much today with this. {hugs} to you.

  6. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh June!! What an incredible story and such an exciting series of photos!! This was wonderful...my heart sings.

    Glad you shared this link at the Bird D'Pot...and I thank you for joining.

  7. Oh my, June. I'm kind of left speechless with the wonder and clarity and majesty of these glimpses. Absolutely awesome.

    Speechless. Grateful.


  8. Nicely captured series of this lovely bird.

  9. June, I am so happy you are blogging. I learn so much Godly wisdom from you.

    Now! Your shots of the scissor-tailed flycatcher in the nest are spectacular!! Still using the SX50? If so, I believe there is a place in the menu to silence the shutter. Anyway, I'm glad they all weathered the storm. Really great set of images. Yay!

  10. Oh, June, how exciting!! We discovered today that the mockingbird nest we've been watching her build in our bush has 2 blue speckled eggs in it!! We can't wait! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  11. This makes my heart sing with joy!! How exciting :-) Thanks a ton for sharing this over at #EverydayJesus!

  12. That is an impressive structure. How fun to be able to observe the babies.

  13. i love the scissor-tails. such sweet birds. :) congrats on 3 years of blogging, too!

  14. Amen and Amen! Loved your pictures and words! I hopped here from The Weekend Brew and am following on Bloglovin'.
    Blessings to you and yours!

    Marie @ http://asatisfiedspirit.com & http://countedcrossstitchcafe.com

  15. I love those sweet little birds! I also loved when you wrote: "I'm not guaranteed a safe home, a fancy home, a big home, or a perfect home in this world – but I am in the next. Because the One who protected the scissor-tail babies through the storm on Sunday is the One Who has gone ahead to prepare a place for me." I'd love to see more of the bottom text broken up throughout the gorgeous photos. Lovely post! Thanks for writing it! Melissa Weaver from Inklings, http://www.annotationsonlove.com/

  16. A scissor-tailed flycatcher in Ohio was the big rave in Ohio this spring. Rare bird alert here! I also have four baby robins in a nest on the trellis. Before I was a birder, I always felt that Matthew 6:26 was the 11th commandment: "Look at the birds..."

  17. Beautiful shots of God's creatures and yes that is something I should be reminded of everyday as well.

  18. Amazing photos and beautiful words. What a way to remind us of the place He's preparing for us! Love that scripture too. Thanks for sharing this! ~Angela (from Inklings)

  19. I needed to read this post tonight, after contemplating birds and how God takes care of them and we do not need to be anxious over our lives. How we need to talk to our souls and tell them to hope in God. When storms come and life rages on, God is sovereign.

    Thank you, June for sharing this along with the lovely photos!

  20. What a treat to see the photos and hear your heart. Loved it!!!

  21. This is so wonderful, June! We get Scissor-tailed Flycatchers coming through South Texas during migratory seasons and they are soooo beautiful. Now I have a nest (of whatever!) and babies to ponder. They do not nest here as far as I know. God's Word is absolutely perfect with these lovely photos. I will ponder this as I go about my day. So glad I came by from Playdates with God.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda
    P.S. I love the photo and comment of the need for the open space in the rear!!!! : )

  22. Beautiful words to go with your beautiful photos!

    I don't think we have scissor tails around here.

  23. Beautiful Truth drawn from nature! That mother/father bird care was in my mind last night as I inserted "nest" photos into my post about a young mother making a really hard choice. That "mother bird" instinct is strong, isn't it? What a faithful Creator-God we have!

  24. Oh, June, do you know how much these picture thrill me?? Beautiful! I've never seen a scissor-tail and you have given me such a soul treat. And to tie it all up in the beautiful bow of the words of Jesus? I'm just beside myself. Thank you, friend. Such loveliness.


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June