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Friday, May 29, 2015

Inspired by . . . Nest Watch Update

With all the bad weather we've been having here in Texas, watching the radar has become a constant, hour by hour, sometimes minute to minute past-time. So many have lost their homes, some their lives, and some people are still missing. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved.

Animals have an amazing resilience in storms. It never ceases to amaze me how they can survive when the wind bends the trees and the rain slashes to the ground in torrents. 

The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher built her nest well. It did it's job in the fearsist of storms this past week, and she has been rewarded.

Hungry little balls of fluff! and mamma was not at all happy about me investigating the nest!

We have several other babies around as well, and their mamas are equally unimpressed with my interest. 

Don't get any closer lady!
Too close - we're out'ta here!

Wait, Mama!
I can't run that fast.
All that running made me hungry!
There-there, sweetie. The lady won't bother us anymore.
I can hardly stand all the cuteness! 

There is another mama with two fawns, but she stays further away from the house and I haven't had my camera with me the couple of times I have seen her. Maybe this weekend, if we get a break in the weather.

This little guy's mama hid him in a patch of grasses in front of my son's house while she went out for the day. He never moved, even through a torrential rain, and me getting quite close with my phone to take this picture. {it's not an iphone}

The only thing that ever moved was his little nose. So sweet!

There's a celebration going on today - click over to my home page to help me celebrate my four year blogoversary by entering to win one of four prizes! You can see the Scissor-tailed babies from last year there, too.

Have a wonder-filled weekend, friends!

Sharing inspiration here:

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