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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Inspired by . . . musings and an introduction

I wonder if all endings aren’t really beginnings in disguise?

The wildflower, Snow-on-the-Mountain {Euphorbia marginata}, which many Texans have affectionately renamed, Snow-on-the-Prairie, heralds the end of summer. These plants, which can easily grow to over 5ft in height, appear hardy and plentiful no matter what the yearly rainfall totals reflect.




At the same time, many of summer’s flowers, as well as the trees seem to announce the beginning of fall.




So which is it? the end or the beginning?

Both, I suppose. Like most things in life, one thing ends and another begins.

We see this in both our physical and spiritual lives.

Nature bears this out in the changing of the seasons. The dying of winter and the rebirth of spring.

In our spiritual lives, the dying to sin and self, the living to Christ.

Simple and yet complex. From grief and despair to JOY and thanksgiving.

So goes life, and so it has gone in the life of our family this year.

Those of you who follow me, may remember we said goodbye to my dear dad earlier this year. We’re still processing that loss.

But we have now said “Hello!” to a new life!

And while this hello is somewhat bittersweet for me, he is all JOY for his parents {my brother and his wife}, and his grandma.

Born five weeks early, our miracle baby, sweet Liam Marco!



Welcome to the world, little one!




Sharing inspiration here:

Little by Little P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday with Kent Weakley

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