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Monday, August 31, 2015

Inspired by . . . a month in photos: August

I missed doing a look back at July last month. We were so busy getting our camper trailer ready for it’s maiden voyage, I didn’t have much writing/computer time. Unfortunately, we had car trouble and had to make some adjustments to our plans, which didn’t include the camper. {sigh}

All is not lost, however, as we did enjoy a few days away and the camper has become a quiet little retreat where I can sneak away to write.

August has been mainly just HOT. As south Texas is want to be this time of year. Heat indexes have been high, meaning you can’t really breath if you go outside.  A temp of 96=104, you get the idea.

I do feel we have been blessed this summer though, as the really hot weather didn’t arrive until early this month. And there is already a hint of fall in the air.




And then my nephew made an appearance five weeks early and stole everyone’s heart!

Favorite Quote of the month:

“Sometimes the smallest things

take up the most room in your heart.” ~Piglet


Sprinklings of God’s mercy and grace:

1. New life!

2. Travel mercies

3. Rest for weary souls

4. Hope for despair

5.Encouragement from His word


What about you, when you look

back at August, what do you see?




Sharing inspiration here:

Mona’s Picturesque

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