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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Inspired by . . . ridin’ the rails {of life}

The sweetest man in the world and I recently took a ride on the Austin Steam Train.




Reflecting back on our little adventure, it occurred to me that ridin’ the rails is a lot like journeying through life.




We’re all assigned a seat {place}. We can choose to ignore those who have been placed in the same car {neighborhood/world} with us, or we can engage and inspire them.


Train_Interior      Train_Outside_FatherSon


Most of the time we can’t see where we are going, or what’s up ahead. Things past are quickly forgotten as we delight in what’s happening outside our window at that moment.

Those riding backwards, always looking to the past, have a different perspective of the journey. They seem to lack the anticipation and delight of those looking forward. They express regret over things missed, or sit quietly in contemplation.




Those not seated by windows, focus inward, chatting quietly amongst themselves, missing the wonders of the outside world altogether.

Except for times when there is a severe bend in the track, we can’t see the engine that pulls us along, determining our course.




Leaving our seat {place} often results in a wobbly experience. At worst, we crash into walls {or people!}. At best, we jerk along, unsure of each new step.

Life is a big, complicated machine. We rely on the engineer to keep the train on the tracks and maintain our course, the conductor to keep the train functioning properly, and the volunteers in the cars to instruct us about life on the rails and trains in general.




Of course, mine is not a perfect analogy, but it was a fun way to share our adventure with you. Hopefully, it has inspired you to ponder every day moments and look for ways God may be revealing Himself and His perfect plan for your life!



I thank my God in all my remembrance of you,

always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy,

because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you

will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, Php 1:3-7




Sharing inspiration here:

Holly Barrett Barbie Swihart 

Our_World_Tuesday     Thought-Provoking-Thursday-Button

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