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Monday, May 2, 2016

Inspired by . . . April - a look back

April began and ended with severe, hail-producing thunderstorms. Thankfully, there were a lot of of beautiful, sunny days in between.

A look back . . .

A few random things I learned last month:

Friendship is timeless: It's true what they say, true friends can be apart for years and years, yet the moment they meet again it's as if they never parted.

Most foods are naturally Gluten Free: You realize this when you're put on a GF diet. The trick (and expense) comes when you want to continue eating baked goods. My Nana couldn't tolerate gluten, and that was fifty years ago before the disease was even diagnosed. Back then, rice was the only GF option and it was difficult to find. Going GF now is a cake walk. (there's a pun in there somewhere)

I have a love/hate relationship with my Fitbit: I love that I found it on eBay for 1/2 price. I love all the information/data it records and the super easy app for my phone and laptop. However, after using it for a week, I'm totally depressed at how inactive I am! I mean, I knew I wasn't getting enough exercise, I just didn't realize how BAD it was! So now I have to think of creative ways to meet my activity goals and still get my {desk} work done. {deep sigh}

That being said, I'd better get out of this chair and get moving!

When you look back at
April, what do you see?


Sharing inspiration here:
Mona's Picturesque
Emily P. Freeman

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