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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 18:52

We had a crazy week of weather and, tragically, more lives lost to flooding.

We made a very quick trip to Galveston last week, to meet up with some dear friends. The trip didn't produce much in the way of photo ops, or rest, but we did have a great time reconnecting!

The Brown Pelicans were in their breeding plumage, and actually quite pretty. I was surprised to learn that pelicans are actually mentioned in the Bible.
I am like a pelican of the wilderness: I am like an owl of the desert. (Psa 102:6)
The Psalmist doesn't paint a very favorable picture here of our brown friends. I admit they are not the most majestic of birds, but as a Finding Nemo fan, I have a bit of a soft spot for the pelican. 

We had enjoyed the tall ship Elissa so much on our first trip, we decided to visit her again since she was in port. If you ever have the opportunity, I highly recommend a visit to the Texas Seaport Museum where she is docked. Her rigging is beyond comprehension.

Kitty was glad to see me when we returned. At least as glad as any cat will admit.

The squirrel was not happy about our reunion, and let us know exactly how he felt.

Someone has some deep pockets and has been advertising along the 281 corridor these last couple of weeks. Last week it was the gecko, this week was snoopy.

Our sweet dog, Sandy, had to have a bath before she went to the vet last week. She left bunches of her hair behind in the yard, which the birds have been excitedly using to line their nests.

Our Carolina Wrens have been singing their little hearts out! I'm always amazed at the beautiful sound such a little bird can produce!

My pour geraniums were first decimated by the hail storm and then devoured by the deer. Yet, they bloom on!

My red butterfly weed has started blooming, too. I'm hoping for some butterfly chrysalises this year!

I guess the ruby-throated hummingbirds by-passed us this year. There have been hordes over at my mom's place. I've only seen one. This little green gem is our black-chinned hummingbird. In some parts of TX they are here year-round.

Beautiful, isn't he? Yet, fierce!

“Can miles truly separate you from friends... 
If you want to be with someone you love, 
aren't you already there?” ― Richard Bach

What are you seeing through
your lens this week?


Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Through My Lens, Little Things Thursdays,
Bird D’pot, Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens, Wild Bird Wednesday,
Our World Tuesday, Community Global, Photo Friday

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