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Friday, May 13, 2016

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 19:52

I got myself off schedule last week, posting Friday's post on Monday. Then I missed posting this on Wednesday, so here we are on Friday again. I should be posting on Psalm 133, instead I'll be showing you pretty pictures from last week's jaunt to Lake Buchanan.

I realize that my 'self-imposed' schedule likely goes unnoticed by you dear readers. But I'm one of those who tends toward schedule making, list making, eating the same thing off the menu every time . . . you get the idea. Anyway, I'll get this show back on the track soon, but for now here's a sampling from last week's lens-life . . .


Our pup, Sandy, had a tumor removed a couple of weeks ago. She's pretty much back to her old self. Digging holes to China, and then hiding in them. Does anyone else's pup do this???

The hole is deeper now, I can't even see her when she's inside. Crazy girl!

Our spring wildflowers are mostly faded, and we're seeing summer blooms here now. The Dreamer and I ventured north last week and WOW, what a show!

Prickly Pear Cactus, Firewheel (sometimes called Indian Blanket), Purple Horsemint
Prickly Pear Cactus Blossom
The firewheel (Indian Blanket - Gaillardia pulchella) will literally take your breath, but the purple horsemint is a favorite of mine. Such a neat flower.

Purple Horsemint in motion
Did I mention that the entire time I was standing beside the road taking these pictures, the wind was blowing about 18mph+ and my hair was in my face. I must have looked like a stick figure version of Cousin Itt from the Addams Family. {smile}

Further down the road I was pleasantly surprised to find bluebonnets still blooming!

Bitterweed and Bluebonnets

Bluebonnets and bitterweed
 I love it when I download a picture and find friends I didn't know where there.

This is an odd picture, but I'm including it because it was interesting to me how many different focal points were in focus. It's probably a good example of what not to do in photography! However, when you're doing your Cousin Itt impersonation, it's difficult to see what you're focusing on!

Finally, we found some sweet mallards on the lake shore.

I was hoping to see more shore birds, but where we were was a pretty active place. They probably stick to quieter coves. Our daughter just bought some property near the lake, so we'll be visiting again soon!

What are you seeing through
 your lens this week?

Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Through My Lens, Little Things Thursdays,
Bird D’pot, Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens, Wild Bird Wednesday,
Our World Tuesday, Community Global, Photo Friday

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